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disclaimer : english is not my 1st language,
sorry for the wrong spelling & grammar.


Today , i decide to take a day off and went for a walk near my house. Im tired. Idk what did i do but im tired.

"Eunwoo oppa! Stop running away from me!"

I heard a little girl scream. I stopped walking and look at the park near me. She so cute & fluffy.  She had a ponytail & wore a jumpsuit. How adorable . But i realized she was chasing someone  --she ran towards my direction. Eh?


I fell down .  Then , someone helped me stand up , i bowed and look at this--wAIt?! This guy again? Whhy i keep seeing him lately?

"Are you okey? Im sorry , i was busy running from my niece. "  the guy said.

"No it was my fault! I should be more careful with my surrounding. Im sorry "  i bowed again.

Then a little girl showed up. This is the little girl i saw from the park! She ran toward this guy and hugged his knee since she is short.

"Found you!" The little girl said.

"Aish . Okey fine, what do you want princess?"

"Ice cream!"

Ah i guess he is eunwoo. Nice name. I don't want to be a thirdwheel for this two so i decide to leave them.

" im sorry again, have a nice day"

I said. I smile at the little girl before walk away from them.


"Eun oppa, do you know that girl? "
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"Or your friend?"
"No! I think she is your closefriend!"

Eunwoo smile and took out a tissue to wipe the little girl mouth.

"You talk a lot. Finish your ice cream & oppa will answer all your questions ok?" 

Eunwoo smile.


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