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i keep crying non stop.
where are you?!
come out !
hug me!

"why?! Why did you leave me hanging ?! where did you go when i need you the most!"

i said because i was sad . angry . miserable .
i ripped the note and throw it away.
i can't stand this. im hurt.
i was about to leave when someone hug me from behind.

"i-i-im sorry , hana"

after hear the voice, i turn my back.
it was him. it was really him!
he come back!
he is infront of me!

is this a dream?
my wish really came true?
what is this?
why did he come back?

"am i dreaming? is this really you?"

he kissed my forehead ,
and nodded.
he hug me tightly.
oh god , i miss this hug.

"why ? why!" i said again with tears.

" the day after we had our first kiss,
my mother got into a fight with my father.
i forgot to text you because i was in rush.
then , i had a fight with my father.
all of my stuff got stolen,
including my phone. that's why i can't text you baby. it was not on purpose. and then we reported about it. we moved to my mother's old house. ilsan. we lived there quietly. but my mom died shortly after we stay there. because of heart attack. it was a bad day for me. i got nobody to talk to. only my relatives came by & comfort me. until my little niece said that you came to her & ask about me. i got a little hope . eventhough im not sure if you really wait for me. but i decided to went back to seoul & see you . but when i see you, i feel hurt. im such a coward. im such a loser for making you sad. that's why you didnt see me. to be honest, i was there with you. im the one who watered all the plants. yes, i did saw you came to my house. and i did saw you go to your 'hidden place' i was there. i've heard your wishes. im so touch by your action , even we are far, you still waited for me. i can't imagine losing you. im sad that my mom can't attend my wedding. but atleast she already saw my future . and it is right infront of me. thankyou hana. im sorry for what i did. i will fixed it. i love you very much & please love me the same way."

he wiped off my tears & smile.
i look at him with a sad eyes.
did that really happen?

"im sorry eunwoo. you must be really heartbroken because you lost someone that really special to you."

"its okey. i still have one. and it is right infront of me."

"so , my 11:11 wish did came true?"

eunwoo looked away and think for a while.
then he looked at me again,

"i think so."

i smiled ,
his eyes met mine.
he started to get closer,
his eyes turn to my lips.

with just one sec,
our lips met again.
only god know how i miss this kiss.
how i miss the taste of his lips.

mom, you was right.
11:11 wish is true.
thankyou, mom.
for granting my wish.



{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now