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disclaimer : english is not my 1st language,
sorry for the wrong spelling & grammar.


hanseol & aunt decide to eat outside today but im not in the mood to go out. i look at my watch, its already 11:09 .

"imma just make a wish outside my house." i went out and make a wish like usual.

"hm? the stars is gone today. weird"
it usually sparkle everynight but this time the stars look like it was gone . is something bad going to happen?

[at the same time....]

"cha eunwoo! i told you to take out the trash! do it now!" his mother shouted.

eunwoo closed his ears and sigh.

"ughh calm down mom. im doing it rn"

i jumped out of my fluffy bed and do what his mom told him to do.

after the he throw away the trash, he look at the stars.

"eh? where did all the stars go?" eunwoo ask himself. he lookto his left and saw a familiar face.

it was the girl! again? he saw her 2 times today. coincidence ?

she also stare at the stars like him.
but—she turn to her right which caused both of them to have an eye contact. eunwoo is widened due to the unexpected movement.  he ran back to his house . his breathing become fast & his heartbeat is about to explode!

"oh my god. did she know i was staring at her? stupid !"


{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now