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i took out my diary and wrote ;

dear diary,
ever since i make a wish , my life
start changing. what does it mean?
will it come true? will my life become
better? will i be someone star?

i close my diary and place it under my pillow.
i had no idea why but my heart beat very fast when
i met him. am in love?


"after you finished your dinner, can you buy diapers for miyeon?" eunwoo nodded.

few mins later, he finished his food and went out to buy diapers. the road was very quiet but peaceful.
the sound of the river make it even more peaceful.

"no wonder why mom want to live here"

eunwoo monologue. later after finished buy diapers,
he , again , meet the supermarket girl. they bow to each other.

"we saw each other a lot lately, haha" eunwoo said. the girl also laugh and replied,

"true. i guess it is because we lived on the same area ,"

"plus it is my workplace"

her smile make eunwoo blushed.
she so beautiful & eunwoo can't believe
how ethereal she is.

"what are you doing this late?" eunwoo ask politely,

" i just finished met my manager . im on my way home , you?"

"buying diapers for my niece."

They again, smile to each other awkwardly.
the girl told eunwoo that she is leaving,
she bid him a goodbye .
but then, eunwoo called her which make she stop.


"um—this is weird but— can-can we walk together?"eunwoo ask shyly while rubbing his neck.

yes, he want to get closer with her.
he inlove with her.

"yeah sure. i mean our house is just next to each other soo.."

after got her permission, eunwoo walked with her.
they chatted a lot. they asked about personal life,
hobby & etc.

"arrived." the girl said.

"will we meet again?" the girl smile after heard eunwoo question.

"ofcourse , we are neighbours after all."
"well, goodnight & thank you . hope you have good sleep, eunwoo-ssi."

eunwoo eyes widened when the girl said his name.
How?! how did she know his name?
the girl giggle because of eunwoo funny reaction.

"you're funny. you should go home now. it's late"

"if you know my name, then tell me your name too!" eunwoo said with an awkward tone.

"no need to do that face . my name is Seol Hana . you can call me seol or hana."

eunwoo nodded . the girl bowed for the last time and went inside. eunwoo still outside her house. he can't believe it! HE KNOW HER NAME!!! Eunwoo jumped out of happiness.

"I KNOW HER NAME! MOM! I KNOW HER NAME!" eunwoo shouted as he ran to his house.


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