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The van was speeding quickly down the freeway as I stood up from my position on the floor. I held onto the top of the van, just as Liam was doing. Chubs put one of his hands on my waist, holding me tightly. My wild red hair was flying in all different directions, I really needed a haircut. I glanced towards Liam, to see what to do. The blonde took in a deep breath and raised his free hand, his other holding tightly onto the roof of the van. I glanced at the car behind Lady Janes. Rob was sat at the steering wheel and Cate was in the passenger seat. My heart began to beat faster, if that was even possible. I'd never thought I'd see them again.

Lady Jane's car swerved to the right, Liam's hand guiding it. Not really knowing what to do, I sent a strike of electricity towards her car, causing the bonnet to spark. That's when I remembered. Something the league had taught me. One of the many things I had tried to forget. If I focused enough, I could cause an electrical fire. It took everything in me to do it but I've never failed to do it. Although, I'm a lot weaker than I was. I haven't had a decent amount of food or water in over a week. God only knows what might happen if I try it.

Rob swerved his car into Lady Janes, causing her to lose control. The league really wants Ruby, she can't be a green. She just can't.  Why else would they go to so much trouble? Lady Jane quickly recovered from the swerve and sped up towards us, we were running out of time. I sighed, knowing that I was going to have to do it, the electrical fire.

"Liam, can you pull a tree in front of them? I have an idea," I looked towards him, gripping the roof of the car tighter as Ruby swerved it suddenly.

"I'm going to need to use two hands," he informed, looking back at Chubs.

I nodded and stepped a little back into the van, letting Chubs hold Liam tightly at the waist. A few seconds later a large tree blew across the street, crashing down in front of the two cars. With a deep sigh, I held my two hands out in front of me. My eyes glowing yellow, I let the familiar burning sensation run through my veins. Large dazzling strikes of electricity shot from my hands to the tree. It wasn't enough, it was barely making a scratch. With a sharp inhale, I pulled my hands back and pushed them forward with a greater force, a stronger flow of electricity emerged and with it came a piercing headache.

Fortunately, the boost of electricity caused the tree to go up in flames, hopefully stopping Cate, Rob, and Lady Jane from trying to follow us on foot. I retracted my hands and for a second, everything felt okay. But then my head started to spin and my vision turned blurry, the headache returning.

"Amelia that was-"Liam's voice was cut short as my ears started ringing.

Before I knew it, I was falling. Falling out of the van. I braced myself for the impact of the fall but then I wasn't falling. I was being pulled back into the van but I couldn't feel any contact on my skin. Maybe I had passed out and was dreaming about floating. I soon realised I hadn't been floating, Liam had saved me using his telekinesis.

Liam held me tightly at the waist as Chubs leaned out and closed the van's doors. I could hear Liam trying to ask me questions but I couldn't piece the sounds together. They were all clustered together, some not even making it into my brain, the ringing in my ears was all I could hear at this point. Was I dying? Perhaps trying to set a tree on fire was not the brightest idea. A reason why I'm a yellow, not a green.

I felt Liam tug my body gently to the floor of the van, propping me up against the wall. His hand didn't leave my shoulder. Chubs was now kneeling in front of me trying to ask questions, waving his hand and feeling my forehead. I could feel myself going out again, everything going blurry. My ears still ringing and my heart pounding. Liam's touch left my shoulder and I wanted to call for him, to hold my shoulder again. It was the only thing I could feel. The only thing I wanted to feel.

A few long moments later, a water bottle was being pressed to my lips and Liam's grip had returned to my shoulder. I gulped down the water like my life depended on it. Because it did. Once I'd had enough, I dropped my head back against the wall of the van and breathed deeply. Ruby stopped the van, causing us to jerk forward a little. She hopped out of the front seat and came to my side, where Zu was sitting. 

"Is she okay?" Ruby asked.

My hearing was coming back, a good sign.

"Pretty sure. My guesses are dehydration and exhaustion. She also lit a tree on fire which could have been too much for her to handle," Chubs explained, feeling my forehead again, "Amelia is everything okay."

"Yeah," I mumbled, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Zu get dinner ready, Chubs get the map," Liam ordered, squeezing my shoulder slightly.

The two nodded and Chubs leaned over the sea of blankets and pillows to open the doors of the van. He slid them back, jumping out with Ruby and Zu following close behind. I focused my gaze back on Liam who was still watching them get out.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a moment, removing his hand. Why did he have to do that?

"Uh, yeah," I said, lifting my head from the wall.

"When was the last time you slept?" He questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe two nights ago. I only slept for an hour or two though," I sighed, rubbing my hand over my eyes.

"Shit. You could have died doing that you know?" Liam was now sitting cross-legged next to me.

"Yeah but I needed to do something," I sighed again, remembering how I'd broken my promise to myself twice today.

"Well it was epic," the blonde sent a warm smile.

"Only you would still say epic," I chuckled softly

A pink hue covered his pale cheeks, it was possibly the most precious thing I've ever seen.

"Anyways," he smiled, biting his lip softly, "Are you alright to get out? Chubs and I should probably fill you in on our plan and you need to eat something."

Well, if alright meant my legs feeling like jelly and my head feeling like its getting repeatedly getting bashed by a mallet, then I was alright. And if I've learnt anything from today, I should know that weak isn't an option anymore and I'm going to have to suck it up. So, despite my pounding headache and the weird sensation in my legs, I nodded. 

Hi guys! I hope you're liking this book. I feel like it's not as good as I had imagined?? I don't know but if you guys are enjoying it then that's great :) Also sorry if there are any mistakes, I do edit it but I always feel like I miss something lol 

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