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My body jolted as the nightmare slipped away from my mind. Tears had stained my cheeks and my hands fisted the thin white blanket. The air was thick, trapping me inside a small bubble. Trying to catch my breath, I glanced outside. The sun was already up and other kids were going on with their day.

Turning my attention back down to my hands, I let out a shaky breath, releasing the sheets from my grip. I had killed them. It wasn't real but it felt real. Their tears, their screams, it all felt so real.

Scrambling from my bunk, I checked the bunk Zu and Ruby shared. Empty. Oh god. I killed them. The dream was real. It wasn't a dream. I killed them. Zu, Ruby, Liam and Chubs. They're dead.

My lungs began to close up again as I frantically pulled on my boots, almost kneeling myself in the chin on multiple occasions. Running from the tent, my eyes scanned the campus, unsuccessful at finding my friends. My body shook with panic as I turned in all directions, trying to even catch a glimpse of their bodies. A glimpse that could confirm that it was just a dream. I know I wasn't thinking rationally and I know there could have been a logical explanation, but no matter how hard I tried, my brain couldn't conjure up one that satisfied my anxiety.

Eventually, I bumped into somebodies shoulder, and a wave of relief washed over my body when I realised who was standing there.

"We've got to stop meeting like this," Liam joked, not quite noticing the hysterical state I was in.

Without any warning, I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, "Everyone else, are they okay?"

"Yes, of course," Liam's voice softened as he snaked his arms around my lower back, "Is everything okay with you?"

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered into his neck, "Just a bad dream."

Liam squeezed me tighter and placed a delicate kiss on the nape of my neck. After a few more moments we pulled away. Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I noticed the clothes he was wearing. Camouflage pants with a dark green shirt. Not to mention, he was carrying a rifle the size of his torso.

"They put you on guard duty?" I questioned, "With your arm still healing? Are they stupid?"

"Hey, it's fine. I volunteered to do it," Liam squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

"Well, are you stupid?" I furrowed my eyebrows and stared up at him.

"Sometimes," Liam chuckled softly, "You don't need to worry about me, okay?"

I chewed at my lip softly as I took notice of the thick cut running along his bottom lip, accompanied by a dark purple bruise on his cheekbone.

"What happened then, your lip is cut and there's a bruise here," I question, running my finger gently along his cheekbone.

"Well, that was my fault," Liam started and a red hue flushed his cheeks, "I was climbing a tree to get a better look but I lost my footing and fell. I'm not exactly the athletic type."

"Didn't you want to be a lacrosse player?"

"Never said I could be one," Liam chuckled and I joined in, shaking my head, "Hey, I gotta head to the showers and get a few hours of sleep. I'll see you at dinner."

"Okay," I offered a soft smile and kissed his lips gently.

Liam planted one last kiss on my cheek before running off to catch up with the others. Turning in a different direction, I let my heartbeat steady itself.

Running a hand over my sweaty face, I decided I needed a shower before I head over to Clancy. But before any action could be taken, I was greeted by Caroline.

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