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a/n: sorry this chapter is so long, a lot of stuff happens but I still hope you enjoy! :) 

Clancy let out a small chuckle, clearly thinking it was a joke. It certainly wasn't, I was confused, to say the least and judging by the look on everyone else's faces, they were just as confused as I was. After a few short moments of silence, Clancy soon realised that I wasn't joking.

"You really don't know?" Clancy asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Do I look like I know?" I snapped back, growing impatient.

Liam let out a quiet laugh, one only I could hear. I turned to him and he smiled sweetly down at me. I pressed my lips together, trying to suppress a smile. Clancy had gone over towards his desk and was now flipping through what I assumed were files of us kids. He pulled a yellow one form the drawer and closed it with his foot. Walking back over to us, he handed me the folder, which had my name in thick black letters on the cover.

Opening it, I was greeted with a much younger photo of me. My red hair was a lot thicker back then, I remember during my time at the camp my hair had started to fall out from stress. My green eyes were glossy, as if I had been crying and my cheeks were a crimson colour. I dragged my finger gently over the picture, this was taken the day after I had killed Serena. Pushing back the tears, I moved on to the documents that were attached to the opposite side.

Name: Amelia Estrada

Age: twelve

D.O.B: 17/10/02

PSI Type: yellow and red

Worth: $5000k

The folder slipped from my hands as I read it. Red. It fell onto the floor, the papers spilling out. Red. My hands shook violently, my mind was trying to comprehend what I had just read. Red. Liam grabbed for one of my hands, trying to calm me down. I squeezed his hand tightly, not wanting him to let go.

"Hey, calm down. Everything's going to be okay," Clancy reassured as he bent down to pick up the papers.

"This doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't they kill her or keep her for training?" Chubs asked.

"My guess is they wanted to keep Amelia on the down-low. She's the only hybrid to ever exist, they wanted her as their little secret," Clancy explained.

"H-How is this possible?" I finally choked out.

"Now that, I'm not quite sure about. Did you never suspect you were.... different?"

"The soldiers at the camp always treated me differently, much worse than the rest of the yellows. And I was the only one at the league who could create fire, but I thought all yellows had the ability to do that."

"Well," Clancy started, "It's true that a yellow can create a fire but it's not nearly as powerful as what you can do. What have you done?"

"She lit a whole field on fire," Chubs spoke up this time, I mentally thanked him.

"And passed out right after it," I added.

"Well, it seems you are very powerful. How about we talk more about this tomorrow. I think this has come as a big shock to you and you need some time to reflect. Anyways, we're having a party tonight,  it'll take your mind off it. Showers are across the campus if you wish to use them," Clancy started to push us out of the room with an eagerness but I stopped him.

"Wait, do you have medics here?" I asked, pulling Liam back inside.

"Ah, yes. I assume you want them to help Liam here," Clancy offered a smile.

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