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His usual welcoming eyes were darkened. They were coated in something odd, something I didn't recognise. Something I hadn't of expected from somebody as kind as him. His voice was the same, his smile was the same, it was just the eyes that made everything different. 

Clancy guided me to the lounge where we had shared various conversations about my past, attempting to get me to open up to him. We'd spent most of our time here, he had explained what his father did to him. I explained what I'd done to my own family, I told him how I tore it apart and how the memory tore me apart. As I sat down, he wandered off into darkness at the back of his room. The rest of the rooms only light was coming from the moon outside, but even then, it was still quite dark. 

Two weeks had passed since I'd talked to Ruby and Chubs. Neither of us had bothered to make an effort to patch things up. The only contact we had were long, distant glances. There was always a little spark inside my stomach whenever I spotted them, hoping to talk to them. Hoping they'd talk to me. But I would just look away, ashamed. Liam and I hadn't really shared much of a conversation either, he was always on patrol or asleep and I was always with Clancy. It was odd how much has changed in just two weeks. 

I watched as Clancy took a seat next to me, his leg brushing against mine as he settled down dangerously close to me. Our eyes met for a brief moment and he dragged his fingers up along my forearm. Goosebumps surfaced my skin as I watched him trace random patterns along the pale surface. Our eyes met again, this time a sinister smile reached his lips. Half of his face was lit by the moonlight and the other remained a friend of the darkness.

"So," Clancy started, pulling me from my thoughts, "I really think we're getting somewhere."

"Me too," I smiled sweetly at him, bringing my hand between our faces.

Almost effortlessly, the tips of my fingers burst into a dark red flame. Clancy pressed his thin lips together and nodded his head approvingly. My fingers curled into a first and the flames disappeared into thin air, a smile tugging at my lips.

"That's really impressive," Clancy smiled, his head leaning closer towards mine. "I was aiming for us to progress a little further today. Maybe, find whats truly blocking you from creating masses of fire like other reds."

"Clancy, thank you, for helping me and everything," I smiled again but pulled my head back slightly, "but I think I don't really need sessions anymore."

"Why do you say that, Lia?" Clancy replied, a wave of anger lacing within his words.

"Well, I think I've learned enough to be on my own now. I think I need to patch things up with Ruby and Chubs. Also, I miss Liam. We've barely seen each other these past few weeks."

Clancy's jaw clenched tightly at the mention of Liam and he reached out to grip on my wrist tightly. His eyes met mine, they were angry but he also looked hurt. At that moment, it was as if a wall from my mind had dropped, and I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. I was aware of how close Clancy and I were sitting, I was aware of the anxiety building in my chest. I was aware.

"Get off of me," I demanded, bringing my hand up to pry his own away but he was too strong.

The boy had a hold of both of my wrists now, pushing me down into a laying position on the couch. A scream almost ripped from my lungs, but it caught in my throat as Clancy pushed his fingers further into my flesh.

Unwanted tears spilled from my eyes as Clancy pressed his lips to my neck. My body squirmed under his as he pressed his body onto mine. Sweat lined itself on the surface on my skin, I felt my hair stick to it as I once again tried to push him off. My throat burned like the scream was still lodged in there, trying to escape. Closing my eyes, and focusing on the sudden anger I felt, my hands started to turn into a fiery red colour. Using every last inch of power I had left in me, I curled my hands onto his wrists. As soon as my hands touched his skin, he lept back and yelled out in pain. 

Rolling from the couch to the floor with a loud thump, I scrambled to my feet but failed since my legs felt like some form of jelly. Clancy yelled my name as if it were a curse word but I ignored it. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I picked myself up from the ground and ran for the door. Clancy's hand found it's way around one of my wrists again, yellow scabs were forming around both wrists.

"Don't you dare run away from me!" Clancy screamed, his face turning a shade of red. "I've helped you, now it's your turn to help me." 

"No, you didn't help me," I say, my throat burning, "You only used me. To get what you wanted. To get under my skin so you'd  have the hybrid."

Clancy stared blankly at me, his eyes widening. I used my free hand to punch his cheek, he seemed almost unaffected but he was definitely taken off guard. It wasn't enough to make him let go of me, but I got just enough time to swing my leg around and send a foot into his stomach. 

Clancy fell to the ground, his head making a loud slapping sound against the wooden floors. I turned towards the door once again, tears blurring my vision. This time, I flung it open and dashed down the stairs. My feet carried me along the campus and I tried to hold my tears back as I fled the main campus. 

With my heart beating in my chest like it was trying to break free of the cage that is my body, I raced to the tent where I'd hopefully find Ruby and Zu. My hands shook at my sides as I spotted Ruby and Zu sitting on one of the beds, reading. 

"R-Ruby," I choked out, almost breathless.

The girl glanced up from her book, Zu did the same. As soon as she spotted the state I was in, she clambered out of the bed and rushed over to my side. 

"Amelia," she whispered, a hand running along my shoulder, "What happened? Are you alright?"

Her dark eyes raked over my face and body. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't work up to courage to actually tell her what happened. Closing my eyes for a second, I let the tears that had built up slip down my cheeks and drip onto the floor. Ruby's arms wrapped around my neck an pulled me into a tight hug. My own arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer.

"We need to get out of here," I said quietly into her ear. 

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