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Liam jumped out of the car, I followed quickly behind and shut the door once I was out. Chubs was leaning against the bonnet of the car, studying the map. Ruby was standing next to him, examining over his shoulder. Chubs looked up from the map and smiled at me, however his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. It was quite obvious he didn't want Ruby here. Maybe he had the same suspicions I did.

"Do you guys even know where we are?" Ruby asks, walking over and standing next to me

"Chubs is a map expert. He's a green for a reason," Liam smiled, now his turn to peer over Chubs' shoulder.

It was silent for a moment while Chubs dragged his finger along the tattered map. His eyes were glowing green as he mumbled to himself. Then he looked up and started rambling on about something technical that I didn't quite understand. I glanced over to Ruby who had the same dumbfounded expression on her face. The girl can't be a green.

"In conclusion," Liam cut off the ramble, "The kid's smart."

"You think I rock these geeky ass coke bottle glasses just for show?" I laugh at that; the kid was funny. I missed him. "Plus, I'm smart enough to know greens don't mean shit so why would the league go to so much trouble for you?"

So, we did have the same suspicions. However, I didn't mind Ruby. She seemed friendly enough but perhaps it was just for show. I glance towards her, cocking an eyebrow at her and pressing my lips together.

"You'll have to ask them," Ruby shrugged, her eyes darting to me then back to Chubs.

The dark-skinned boy went to open his mouth, but Liam quickly cut him off, "Leave her alone, Chubs. Anyway, what's the plan for you guys?"

"I'm going to go home," Ruby starts, pushing herself up from the van.

"Where's home?" Liam questions.

"Salem, Virginia," the curly-haired teen replied before pushing past us and walking in the opposite direction.

"Hold up, that's my hometown too!" I exclaim, my heart beating hard in my chest. Ruby looks back and stops. Going home was not an option but I'd always wondered what my parents would be doing. Though, I don't think they'd be wanting to see me anytime soon.

It's silent for a moment. Ruby stood with her arms folded over her chest. She wasn't going to get very far on her own. Especially since she's so new to the new world. I've barely survived five days on my own and I've been doing it for three months.

"You can catch a ride with us then. We're going to Rast River," Liam offered, causing Chubs to let out a long sigh which made me smile. "It's like this big place where kids can live freely. It's safe. The slip kids in charge."

"Who?" Ruby asks, walking back towards the group.

"Nobody knows who he is. He got the name because he slipped custody four times. Apparently, he's an orange."

Chubs let out a scoff, "You wanna tell her your shoe size and your favorite animal while you're at it?"

Liam shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. We go silent again and I catch Liam staring at me. I give him a small nod and tuck a few strands of my hair behind my ear. Zu came over to the van, pointing to where she had made a little picnic. I smiled and pulled her into a hug, her hands just reaching my stomach. Zu was so precious, and I still felt incredibly guilty that I hadn't recognised her in the gas station. She quickly let go and tugs Ruby's arm and the pair go off towards the picnic.

Chubs says something about having a sweet dinner and then follows the pair to the blanket nestled under the tree. Not forgetting to wink at me. Odd. It was just Liam and I standing at the back of the van now. I played with my fingers, as I always did when I felt uneasy or nervous.

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