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The morning sun beat down on the group as we stood around the side of Betty. Chubs was going over all the packed bags and checking our supply count. Zu was sitting on a rock nearby, writing out math problems Chubs had set her. Liam and I were standing close together, our shoulders almost touching. Ruby was standing across from us, I know she was trying to catch my attention, but I kept my eyes locked on the patch of weeds near my feet.

We were planning to leave almost an hour ago, but Chubs wanted to make sure everything was perfect. He'd asked me a bunch of questions that I couldn't quite keep up with. My mind was swirling with so many different thoughts that I couldn't keep focused on anything. Caroline had been taken for a week now and I promised her I'd find her, of course, she didn't actually hear me promise her, but it was a promise to myself. A promise I wanted to actually keep since I've broken so many recently. The other thing that was on my mind, that kiss with Liam. Then the talk we had last night. The words he spoke, they made my heart go all loopy. This boy was doing something to my head.

Chubs jumping up from his sitting position had startled me and I jumped backward, tripping over my boots. An arm curled around my back and stopped me from falling any further. I turned my head and my eyes met with Liam's. There was a small smirk on his lips as we stayed staring at each other for a moment. With a quick blush, I steadied myself and pulled away from his grip that was on my back. Now I had caught Ruby's gaze, her eyebrows raised and a questioning smile on her lips.

Liam turned to Zu and called her over, still chuckling over my trip. Zu gripped onto a bouquet of yellow flowers between her concealed hands. Chubs slammed Betty's sliding door shut and the gang started to walk around the front of Betty, bags over shoulders. For a moment, we stood in silence taking in Betty. I sighed, playing with the straps of my backpack. It had just occurred to me that we'll have no place safe to sleep, no place to be warm or have shelter. Betty really was something special.

"I feel like we should do something," Liam started, breaking the silence, "Set her on fire or something."

"Liam, it's a van," Chubs informed, his mouth curling into a small grin.

Zu stepped out from the group and climbed atop the front of the van, slipping the bouquet of yellow flowers under the windshield. Sliding off, she came back towards Liam and took his extended hand. After a moment of standing and staring, we started to turn away from Betty. For the most part, I really had no idea where we were going. I barely even knew what East River was or the slip kid. In a way, it was reassuring to know that the place was well hidden and that it was safe.

The spring sun was creating a nice thin line of sweat on my forehead. It had to be almost midday because of the height of the sun. I let my cheeks puff up and let out a long blow of air, we've been walking for about fifteen minutes and I could already fell my body resenting it. Five weeks of League training and four years of being abused just wasn't enough preparation for the long fifteen-minute walk in the sun. I glanced up to see Ruby trailing slightly back from the group, so I stopped in my tracks until she caught up with me.

"Are you alright, Ruby?" I asked, genuinely concerned for my friend.

Ruby didn't reply for a moment, her eyes stuck on the ground, "Yeah," she mumbled.

"Ruby," I say, grabbing her arm, causing her to flinch and look up at me.

"I'm just thinking about Lady Jane. What if my compulsion wore off and she's out telling everyone there's an orange on the loose and she's with Liam?" The words fell from her mouth as if they've been eating her up inside.

"We'll get to East River and we'll be safe, okay? Nobody knows about it," I tried to reassure but my breath was becoming short.

"They might catch us before we make it there," she mumbled, shoving her hands into her pockets.

"So, what if they do, we are stronger and smarter than them. You said it yourself," I smiled, and she looked up and smiled at me too.

"Is that when you knew that I was an orange?" Ruby questioned.

"I had my suspicions but that confirmed it," I smiled.

"That really wasn't smart was it," Ruby thought with a small grin tugging at her round lips.

"It kind of was but..." my voice trailed off as Ruby and I looked at each other, bursting out into a fit of giggles.

It wasn't even that funny but it was very rare when I got to share happy moments with someone these days. It's always comforting someone or being comforted, it's never a joking type of conversation. Even if it did start out serious. We turned our heads back in front of us where Liam and Chubs were smiling and looking back at us. I gave them a small wave, earning a smile before they turned around.

Ruby and I fell into a comfortable silence. Liam and Chubs were muttering quietly in front of us, Liam's hand still tightly holding onto Zu's rubber glove-clad hand. Talking to Ruby made me forget about the sweltering heat and the miles of bushlands we'd have to trudge through. Did Liam and Chubs even know where we were going? I figured it'd be worse if I knew they didn't so I kept it to myself.

"So, you and Liam, huh," Ruby nudged me in the gut.

"What about it," I said quietly, hoping the boys wouldn't hear our conversation.

"You guys kissed, that's good isn't it?" Ruby flashed a toothy grin.

"It was moving too fast I think," I admitted, "But it was nice."

"Nice? Just nice?" Ruby egged on.

"It was... I don't know how to describe it, Ruby. It felt good. Even if it was too soon it felt like, it felt like it was the most right thing that has happened to me in a long time."

Ruby let out a small squeal of excitement, "You guys are too cute! I see all those little, stolen glances."

I felt my cheeks burn up and I let my orange hair fall from behind my ears to the front of my face. Had I really done it that often? Embarrassing. But how could you look away from someone like Liam? 

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