Chapter 14

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The night ended with me and Calum walking through the town, and then him dropping me off at my house after that.

"Thank you for tonight. This has been..." I said as he cuts me off by placing his lips onto mine.

"Your very welcome", Calum said and looked into my eyes. I felt the butterfly's grow bigger inside of my tummy. As I walked away to put my keys in the door, I could still see his 'Calum grin' on his face once again. That smile of his. Every time I see it, it grows. As I opened the door, and as I walked in my eyes was focusing into his. He looked so smart in his suit. Handsome he was for sure. I began to close the door and then a burst out with words.

"I know if you can't or don't want to, but you can come back to mine? just to talk so we don't wake up your mum?"

"I would love to!", I said and pulled the door to. He reached out for my hand and he led the way to his apartment. We walked in, and there I saw, candles everywhere! Just everywhere! it looked like I was in a fairy tale. I walked in with my mouth wide open in shock, and looked around and saw Calum's eyes sparkle from the candle light. It was just perfect! I felt like a princes tonight.

"It's a good thing you said yes to coming then!", Calum joked.

"This is just once again.."

"Remarkable? outstanding? Impressive? Magnificent"

"Yes! and since when did you star saying those words?"

"What I do when I'm in English is read through your notes, after class"

"You read through my notes?"

"Your an amazing writer! you got some much talent for it! you shouldn't waist it at all, what ever you do in the future! I believe in you Jessica Erin Smith", he with that smile again.

"That's the sweetest thing, anyone has said to me, ever!", I said and he puts his hands on the side of my face.

"Because you are the most sweetest thing I could ever ask for!"

"Calum....your my world"

"And your mine" he said and tilts my head to his and leans into place his rose pink lips on to mine. He leads me to his bed and lays me down. He unbutton his white shirt, and then begins to unzip my dress.

"Calum, waist", I said.

"What wrong?"

"Don't be scared when you see them, but I've got the all over my back and my side of the body..."

"Sorry, but what?", he said in a not rude way.

"My, well... scars..", I said under my breath.

"Your body is perfect with or with out them, I know that and you do to", he said with his smile again, and continue kissing me. He then unzipped my dress and then the night was a rememberable night I would treasure for my life time.

I woke up to those greeny blue eyes of Calum. He was stroking my hair.

"You alright?", he said to break the silence, and sat up.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, good thanks", he said in a funny awkward way. "Right I'm going to get some breakfast, would you like to stay?"

"I would love to, but my mother makes some 'pancakes for my ratting disorder that helps me have energy in the morning', and also my mother probably be wondering where I am, sorry"

"It's find, I'm happy you came last night, otherwise I would be blowing out all of these candles I lit up for you". he got up and put so navvy blue Hollister joggers on, and let me get changed. I slipped back into my mint green dress and zipped it up. I tried to neaten up my hair, before I went down Stairs to say goodbye to Calum. I hope I do see him in the half term, be very likely as we got to finish of our homework for English. I walked through the door to lead into the open kitchen. I saw Calum pore some coco pops into his bowl, with Apple juice in a glass next to it.

"Thank you for last night", I said.

"Well your very welcome!", he said with his smile, I waved and made my way home. I wonder if my mother is angry with me not being home? I walked into the house and saw my Mother sitting with a blonde hair male and the coffee table in my mothers light pink dressing tole.

"Umm hello?"

"Hello! I'm David."

"Right David.."

"Sweetie, i thought you wouldn't be back for ages?", my mother said as she walked in to the room in her pjs.

"Yeah no... who is he?"

"I'm David remember!", he said with annoying smile.

"Yeah well I know that, because you said that!"

"Jessica, kept your voice down! and this is David. Well I've been seeing him for the last four months"

"Are you kidding me!", I said with anger.

"No", David said.

"I was not speaking to you!", I said to him. I've never been this angry before. I'm normally the one who can keep it in.

"Stop behaving like this!", my mother said

"I think I can! as I just found out you got a new guy! what's wrong with you! your replacing dad for that! he is nothing like dad and will never be like him!" I said and walked out of the house and slammed the front door.

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