Chapter 7

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"So here we are! My house", he said and I looked around his apartment, with cloths all across the floor. Bowls and cups laid across every possible space on a table or counter.

"Its lovely", I joked, and he laugh.

"I try my hard to make it look nice", I laugh along with him.

"So where are your parents?"

"At home"

"I thought this was home?"

"It is for me. I got kicked out of my house two mouths ago, but I don't wont to talk about it."

"Oh, i'm really sorry to hear about that"

"Its fine. So Miss Jessica Erin Smith, tell me about your self"

"Myself?" he nodded. "Well my life sucks basically."

"Tell me about that then", he sat down and put his legs crossed on the coffee table and his arms resting on the back of his head.

"I don't wont to talk about it", I teased him. "So with this English homework, I thinking to search up love poems on the web, choose the best one, and read that one, make notes and then when I think it, I will make my one based on that", I said and gazed at me. I pulled my hair down, behind the ear and covered it up, as it was on to show, right in front of him.

"What?... is it my scar? I'm sorry I forgot it was on show. I can leave if it freaked you out at all?"

"No stay. Sorry I was daydreaming at you beauties, when your hair is behind your ear." he said as he looked into my eyes. We continue to both look at each other. Why is he so gorges to look at? He began to come closer to me but I turn my head and continued to begin the work. I could see in the corner of my eye, he was still looking at me, with his mouth open like a goldfish. 

"Is it alright if I can have get a glass of water? Sorry I feel a tad light headed"

"Sure, let me get it for you", he said and walked to the kitchen. He brought it to me in and glass, full with ice, and lemon. I thanked him, and continued with the search of the love poem. Time went fast and I saw it was coming up to 6:30.

"I got to go now. I will continue on the search for the love poem"

"Okay", he said, and reached for his keys.

"Why are you getting your keys out?"

"I'm walking you home", he said in a Calum way. I could tell he was a tad upset when I turn my head away, from him trying to kiss me, but he is back to himself now. We both walked out of the apartment door, and he walked me home. We got to my front door step, and stood face to face.

"Thank you for walking me home", I said to him.

"It's okay, I could tell you wanted me to do", he joked.

"You just ruined this  perfect moment, just to let you know"

"Sorry Jessica Erin Smith", we both began to laugh. I heard the door knob turn, and saw my mother standing there.

"Aw, I thought I heard voices", she said in a mother proud way.

"Well I will see you tomorrow then", Calum tells me. I smiled and watched him walk out of my front garden.

"I see you had a fun time then!" my mother said as she shuts the door.

"Yep", and walked over to the dinner table and sat down surrounded by food. I finished my food quickly and rushed upstairs to find a love poem. I searched and searched and then i found one. Then I called Calum on his phone.

Phone call:

"Well hello, miss Smith". I laugh. "

"Hey, I have found a poem to do!"

"Oh did you now? Read it to me please"

"Okay..  So its called a special word and it goes like this. 'A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.' So what do you think?"

"I love it, because its basically telling us about out relationship", he said and i giggled.

"So you like it?"

"More like love it Jess!"

"Okay, that's good! So I guess I Will see you tomorrow then?"

"See you tomorrow Miss Smith".

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