32- Admirers

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"I must admit, Skyler, I'm curious to that egg. Open it!" Theo cheers as everyone sits in the dormitory of the boys. Pansy hands her the egg, which is a lot heavier than she expected.

Skyler looks at the egg, stroking it before pushing the button to open it. A wave of shrieks and high-pitched screams come out.

"Close the damn thing!" Blaise yells, trying to over voice the noise. Skyler closes it with difficulty.

"Gods, I never knew there'd be a second Pansy in there." Draco mumbles.

"Drakey!" Pansy exclaims, slapping his arm lightly. Draco looks at her sceptically.

"What? It's true!"


Skyler's reading a Muggle book she asked Tony to buy, right after she opened the egg. It's a physics book about sounds, how to make a high sound low and contrariwise. She's already reading for seven days, and still can't find a thing without technology to listen to the egg's hint. Until, there's one little sentence...

'One of the natural sound-absorbing materials, is water.'

"Water! Of course, water!" Skyler exclaims, as she climbs out of the tree she sat in, closing the book and getting her bag. Walking back to the castle, many Gryffindors look at her and snigger. Skyler raises an eyebrow at them but doesn't ask.

"Sky!" Cedric calls as he runs up to her.

"Hey, Ced. Have you come any further with the egg, yet?" Skyler asks curiously. Cedric shakes his head, but chuckles instead.

"No, I was just checking something out, but you'll never guess what happened." He continues to chuckle.

"Well, spit it out, I want to enjoy the moment too." Skyler encourages.

"Well, Malfoy was threatening Harry, you know, the usual boasting. He said something in the lines of: 'My father and I made a bet. I said to him that you won't last ten minutes in the Second Task.' And something about his father disagreeing and that Lucius Malfoy thinks it's less than ten." Cedric explains, tears in his eyes of laughing.

"Take a deep breath, Cedric." Skyler says dryly. Cedric has to take a minute, but after, he continues to explain.

"So, Harry stood his ground and gave Malfoy a piece. Saying that his father is cruel and stuff. Harry walked away, but Malfoy attempted to curse him behind his back, then Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret!" Cedric can't stop laughing. Skyler chuckles.

"Seems Draco just got himself a new nickname." She says, "anyway, Ced, I got a tip for you. With the egg: water." And with that, she leaves the still laughing Hufflepuff to take his moment.


"I'm glad that all of you are here." Snape starts. This morning, a Saturday morning, the entire House, from fourth year to seventh, had gotten a message to be present for a special lesson.

"For it is my pleasure to announce that, with the Triwizard Tournament, the Yule Ball is a tradition. Which means, that there'll be a dance. I'm here to teach you how to do that."

Skyler mentally scoffs. A dance. And she needed to learn how to dance? She'd been forced to have dance lessons since she was 6!

Next to Skyler, Pansy, Bulstrode, Greengrass and Davies are chatting loudly about who they're going to ask as dance mates.

"Ms. Parkinson, if you'd be so kind, considering that you're not paying attention." Snape holds out his hand, and Skyler shoves the frozen Pansy forward, smirking widely.

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