19 - Silver

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"YOU FILTHY HALF-BLOOD!" Skyler hears an unknown voice yell through the Ministry. The blonde swivels around and starts to look around, recognizing the silver-blond locks of Lucius Malfoy, with next to him, Bellatrix Lestrange, the woman who screamed.

"I don't know whether or not you're talking about me, but Half-Blood is a complement," Skyler taunts at the woman with brown curls and the empty expression in her eyes.

"Look who we have here, my friends," Lucius laughs, "the weak princess that claims to protect people. In reality, she can't even hit someone with the Curse of Death."

"Look, there we have the bastard that beats his own kid for not wanting to walk the same path as his own," Skyler smirks, her eyes showing no mercy, "now, can someone enlighten me what's going on?"

"Well, princess, some of us, are trying to get the prophecy Mr. Potter is holding. Others are going to try and make you get the one there," That unbelievably disgusting voice says, as the man himself puts the tip of his scimitar on Skyler's back, making her look at one of the glass bolls that could've been made from nothing more but a cloud.

'The downfall of Odin'it reads. Skyler's eyes widen and she turns around, a blade immediately put to her neck.

"Make haste, Urikson, the Dark Lord wants the prophecy in Potter's hands. Get your own and help us, for Merlin's sake," Lucius snarls, "in the meantime, Potter, this is your last chance on giving it to me and leave this place without loss."

Skyler looks into Urikson's eyes with pure hatred and hisses like a pissed-off cat, "Go to hell, bastard."

"Oh, I will, but first, little princess, you'll hand me that prophecy. You wouldn't want me to get someone else to do it, right? Like... your mother?" Urikson threatens smoothly.

Skyler's entire body sags at the thought, knowing that Einar Urikson is able to do worse than those threats. Hesitantly, she takes the boll from its place and copies it behind her back, making the original disappear into her backpack at Hogwarts.

"Here you have it, mate, good luck. Now, I'd really like it for you all to freaking leave us alone," Skyler starts, aiming her wand for one of the racks that are filled filled prophecies, "reducto!"

Then she runs exactly the other way that Harry goes; big mistake. Skyler is completely alone and has absolutely no idea where she is. Though, she eventually sees a door and runs through it at high speed, discovering that there's only a fall on the other side way too late.

"Aresto momentum!" she cries out and stops exactly one inch before her face would've been smashed upon the rocky ground.

The room is dark, and the only light comes from a weird, stage curtain that is placed between two rocks. Skyler can hear the foreign voices that mutter from behind it in another language, as she investigates the portal. She's positive that it's a portal to some kind of... prison.

'Livet er en linje som aldri slutter. Verden bak ligger i form av rømning. Fanget sjeler i det mørkeste sverd forblir her og venter på frihet'

Skyler reads the text patiently, her brain already working on a reason why something as strong and powerful as this object stands here before her. On Midgard of all places.

"Life is a line that never ends. The world behind holds manners of escape. Captured souls of the darkest sword remain here, waiting for freedom"

The words send shivers down Skyler's spine, but her mind can't help but wonder where the darkest sword could be.

Skyler is awoken from her thoughts by screams from above. She looks up and finds her friends falling down as well. Skyler casts another slowing-spell and makes herself invisible for the eye, as the Death Eaters would be here soon too, if Harry Potter is amongst the falling teenagers.

She watches everything occur, from Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville being caught by Death Eaters, to Harry handing Lucius Malfoy the prophecy. Instead fighting with the Order and beating the Death Eaters, Skyler makes herself visible behind Einar Urikson himself.

"And here, we meet again," Skyler taunts, "yet I think the outcome will differ from the last time, don't you?"

"Princess, I am a powerful sorcerer that even your grandfather couldn't keep contained," Urikson says confidently, "but since you've suffered enough last time, I'll grant you a quick and painless death."

"I have no intentions of dying today," Skyler states, as she draws her sword and smirks, "besides, you still haven't learned the most important thing in battle: never turn your back on your enemy."

Skyler smirks broadly as a red cloak binds itself around Urikson's sword and pulls it out of his hand.

"That's an interesting piece of clothing, sir! I wish I had a cape like that," Luna Lovegood speaks up next to Stephen Strange, who rolls his eyes.

"It's a cloak, and I believe I'm supposed to say thank you?"

"Not now, Doctor," Skyler hisses, as Urikson rises from his place and claps his hands together. Skyler's eyes widen and she throws one of her daggers towards him, seeing how it teleports with him, as Einar Urikson leaves the battlefield once again.

"Dammit! It was such a great plan. Doctor, would you mind getting all the teenagers that don't seem wounded much, with you and bring them safely back to Hogwarts?" Skyler asks the man in front of her, who immediately nods and creates a portal of orange sparks.

Skyler's attention is forced elsewhere, though. Bellatrix Lestrange disapperates from her fight with Tonks and Skyler manages to follow her movements, pushing Sirius Black out of the way as the green flash of light misses her by a hair. To dodge the spell, however, Skyler is forced to take a step back and let herself fall into the mirror.

The silver bindings capture her body before she can get out. The cries of her friends and the helpless looks on the Order's face is the last thing she sees before the silver troubles her sight. Skyler falls endlessly, until her back suddenly meets a foreign ground.

There she is, in the Field of the Fallen. Completely and utterly alone.


Thanks for reading, don't kill me! :)

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