19- The Others

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Skyler falls down on one of the seats in the Slytherin Common Room. 'Gods, how more boring History of Magic becomes with every year I have it...' She thinks, exhausted by the entire day of school. Skyler grunts as she realises that she has homework. With a lot of repulsion, she takes out her notebooks and schoolbooks. 

"If I finish Old Runes and Astronomy before dinner, I might be able to get a normal amount of sleep tonight." Skyler mutters under her breath, starting to translate an old Norse text. She smirks widely as the entire text, in fact, is about her family: 'The House of Odin'


"Yes! Done!" Skyler exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air, letting her quill slip out of her hand. Ink covers her skirt and she curses under her breath. "Ugh, stupid quill - not even able to let it slip for one moment." She complains softly, no one hearing her. Realising how silent it is, Skyler looks around. The entire Common Room is empty. 

"Shit! Dinner!" She remembers, casting her books aside. She'll take those later, first, she needs to eat something. Skyler runs as fast as she can, praying to the Gods that she's in time.

Arriving at the Great Hall, the doors are closed, and Skyler hears Dumbledore giving a speech. She sighs, knowing that she needs to teleport her way in. Skyler teleports into the dark corner of the Great Hall, near the Slytherin Table. Everyone's already eating and talking, so Dumbledore must've been saying something in the lines of: "Enjoy your dinner."

Skyler sees surprisingly that the Slytherin Table is a mix of black with green robes, and red robes. Skyler looks for Draco and Theodore Nott, She and Blaise had ignored each other the last couple of weeks, so she won't be looking for him. Skyler sees Draco talking to one of the guys in red robes, or it looks more like trying to impress the guy. Rolling her eyes, Skyler tells one of the red clothed guys, who's sitting at Draco's other side, to move away.

"What the actual hell did I miss?" Skyler asks Draco out of sudden. Draco, who hadn't noticed her before, shrieks a little, causing the guy he was trying to impress, to laugh. The entire table laughs.

"Skyler! That wasn't funny. I'm trying to make some friends!" Draco exclaims. Skyler shrugs and looks him straight in the eyes.

"I swear, Draco, what did I miss? Who are these guys?" Skyler asks again, seeming a little uncomfortable with the looks she gets from a few of the red clothed guys across the table.

"These are the students of Durmstrang. One of the schools that will participate in the Tournament. The other school, Beauxbatons is here too, but they're mostly at the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Table. Dumbledore just gave us some more explanation. He said that some guys from the Ministry will come here next week, to open the Tournament." Draco summarises. 

"I guess they don't have girls at Durmstrang..." Skyler mumbles, scoping some food up, meeting the eyes of the boy's who are watching her.

"No, ve don't." A voice next to her says. Skyler looks to her other side, seeing that the guy she gestured to move away earlier, is grinning at her. He has beautiful dark blue eyes and dark brown hair, his cheekbones are sharp and his nose looks like it has been broken once. His skin is pale and doesn't look like it sees much sun.

"I've noticed." Skyler states shortly, pointing her head to the guys from across the table, who are now looking at the other girls, the ones from Beauxbatons, at the Ravenclaw Table. The boy laughs, agreeing with her.

"Those are just - vell, I don't know. I'm Anatoli, by the vay, Anatoli Krum." He says with a thick, Scandinavian accent. Hearing his last name, Skyler nearly chokes her drink.

"Krum?! As in: family of Viktor Krum? The famous Seeker?" She whispers, her eyes tearing up as she tries to breath through her almost choked drink. Anatoli's face saddens and he looks away.

"Nice that everyone knows my older twin brother." He mumbles. Skyler, who stopped coughing, straightens her face and looks at Anatoli compassionately. 

"I'm sorry, I understand that it's hard. Everyone judges you by family." She whispers, her eyes looking at her empty plate.

"Who are you? Some celebrity from England or something?" He asks curiously, his eyes finding hers.

"Well, I'm-"

"Skyler, come on, we need to get to our dormitory, Snape's going to kill us if we don't finish that essay before class tomorrow." Draco interrupts, by his opinion, perfectly timed. Anatoli's eyes widen, and his mouth is agape.

"Skyler, as in: Skyler Foster, the Avenger, the one that saved New York? Youngest Winner of The Order of Merlin, First Class?" Anatoli exclaims, shocked. Skyler hadn't listened, for she is slightly panicking right now.

"The essay! Oh dear Odin! I almost forgot, thank you Draco! I see you in the common room, I need to hurry!" And with that, she runs off. 

When she's out of sight, Anatoli looks at Draco and Draco looks at Anatoli.

"So," Anatoli starts haughtily, "who might you be?"

"Draco Malfoy," is the cold answer he gets as return. Draco strides forwards, looking the 17-year-old boy right in the eyes, "And one warning, Krum: don't mess with me."


What do you guys think of this, eh? - ;)

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