Chapter 5

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We avoided Nathan and Ian, just as they did too for an entire week. They've been spending their time with Denise and Natalie, I wouldn't doubt that they've had a foursome. I can prove my theory, from flirting to making out in the hallways; Ian and Denise, Nathan and Natalie, and if she wont stop flipping her - honest to god really pretty- ginger hair, I will chop it off. It drives me insane! Before you start accusing me of being jealous, I am not, never have and never will be, they really do make a cute double couple. At least they stopped the rumors about either me having rabies or Alan kissing Natalie. You know what else I proved? That Nate and Ian were really jerks after all, they bothered me to my last nerve; from spit balls flying across the classroom, to knocking my books when Al and Jill weren't around, moreover removing my chair from behind me before I sat. I tell ya, it's not only obnoxious, but also tiring. I expected more of myself; to slit their throats and burn their bodies with the school. But no, I didnt. Know what I did?


Absolutely nothing.

I was tired, physically and mentally, I hadn't told Alan because there was no way I would have let him do anything, I have reasons, this school is so... ugh can't say it just yet. No new student knew about this, not even the two jerks, if they did then they would've stopped, I highly doubted they wouldn't continue to anger us despite the consequences.

I could tell by their facial expressions, they got tired of messing with me because I, as said before, did absolutely nothing, nothing but stare bluntly at them and walking away like nothing happened. They still annoyed me continuously, wanting me to go full on hulk one day, even worse- burn them alive. Don't mind my psychotic thoughts, they're the cause of it, I normally was nothing like this. At all.


I urged Jill and Alan to hurry up in the car before it got dark, we desperately needed to study, shopping only took us 2 hours. Titanium started jamming in the radio, along we sang obnoxiously, horribly loud. Oh well, who cares?

Right . . . the drivers and neighbors as we drove through the neighborhoods yelled at us, still, we didn't stop, instead we sang louder and more like we were on crack, embarrassing I know. At least what mattered was that we had a good time.

At our arrival to my home, we shoved the shopping bags for each of us in their own car so that when they left I wouldn't be stuck with Calvin Klein boxers and lots of underwear... I grabbed one bag with Apple's logo on it and hid it in the glass cabinet "Gabe! Are mom and dad home-" before I could continue, my father walked into the living room carrying a hotdog on a stick. There was BBQ.. I thought to myself.

"Nice to see you two" Alan and Jill exchanged smiles and greeting with my dad, mom coming out to do the same but instead giving them bear hugs.

"Anyone hungry for steak, hotdogs on a stick or salmon?"

"S-salmon?" Jill practically drooled over the word itself, it was the love of her life basically.

"I knew you'd come so I grilled ya one whole salmon, you can finish that right?"



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Photo: Jill Noel

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