Chapter 41

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Once again, do not hesitate to point out the mistakes, I did not proofread.

"N-Nathan? Ian? Ethan? Well damn" I was obviously flustered yet impressed. Since when did they do drugs? Especially Nathan and Ian. Ethan may be an exception because I barely know him, but Nathan and Ian?! The two moronic losers that I call friends? Nah, this is just... extraordinary!

But drugs?! This is fantastic. No joke.

Honestly, I feel like I'm on drugs yet I didn't abuse any. Unlike those little dumbfucks that didn't even ask me to join.

"Sammaaaay!" Ian, Nathan, Ethan and their other friend have begun to laugh. Not in a mocking way, just in a way that'd confirm that they were high as the fucking crackhead of a turtle from Finding Nemo.

They were in a little circle passing on the joint as if getting high was all what life was about. I randomly start playing footsie with Lexi. I moved her foot with mine and she'd just get annoyed, moving my leg beside my own.

I'm sort of sobering up, but this part of my still feels funny and wants to join the little group of people, despite that they didn't invite me. To hell with it! I don't need an invitation.

Snap out of it Sam.

I mentally slapped myself in order to wake up and realize that not everything is about losing yourself in liquor or drugs. I felt ashamed to even consume the tiniest bit of alcohol. Gabriel may be upset big time since I'll be arriving home way past curfew, yet I want to hang around with Aarons, Lee and Amsel for a little while.

"Damn, y'all are high as fuck" I heard Lexi breathily mumble from behind me, wow she actually chased me like I was some dog escaping my owner. That's- that's nice.

I said in a surprised tone "You guys do drugs?"

"Big whoop!" a druggie that had his head shaved from one side and tattoos all over his body, exclaimed. This one was worse than Ethan. Man, do I miss touching him. He may be your typical bad boy, but one must not deny his skin that was as soft as a baby's butt, and the touch of his lips softer than cotton still could be felt on my own.

I wish I'd just make out with him right now. He was staring at me with a sexy expression like he was thinking about our make out session in the room as well. Good thing that I'm not in this alone.

I tugged at my dress, my eyes catching a small scar at the side of my knee. This brought back the memories of a little over a year ago when I've been in an accident. Jill, Alan, mom dad, Bailey, Gabe, Zach and Austin were by my side, yet none of them told me how I got into this accident. I've asked countless times but they'd just avoid or change the subject. Sometimes Gabriel, Zach and Austin have this sympathetic look on their faces, like they wanted to tell me but then something prevents them from doing so.

Seemed like what they have to say matters, however, who gives a shit right now? Lets get high and eat donuts because donuts are delicious as fuck!

I stuck my tongue out at Nathan when he smiled innocently.

"It's not like you're not addicted to alcohol" Ian shrugged, glancing at Nathan who nodded in agreement, giving him a weird ass face. Weirdo.

"True!" I giggled.

"She looks high to me, not drunk" another guy mumbled to the dude with the shaved side of his head.

"I'm not high I'm drunk you loser" I suddenly lost balance when I rolled my eyes. How's that even possible? Eh whatever, all that matters was when I fell and landed on Ethan, tackling him.

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