Chapter 39

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"I came to.." I cut him off before he can continue.

"What do you want?!" I spat at him, angry with him for being concerned about someone who doesn't deserve shit in their life. Someone acting overly dramatic over something not worth it. Alan isn't my boyfriend, Natalie is taking advantage of his unstable state to upset me and get what she's been craving. Someone she didn't have, because he was with me. Therefore, I should feel lucky for having him for a little over a year.

"I came to... apologise..." Once again I cut him off, honestly just to piss him off. What shall I say? I'm being such a bitch.

"The British asshole came to apologize?" I scoffed bitterly, eyeing him in clear disgust. "No thanks"

"I came her to apologise... for caring" he gave me the death glare with those damn blue eyes that could kill and slammed the bathroom door shut. Leaving me alone in the silence, except for the sound of the tap dripping.
Looks like someone forgot to close the tap well.

Is that what's bothering you? The "tap"?

How else could I prevent the guilt from eating me up? First it was Jill, then Alan and then him! I just hope Ian and Nathan aren't sobbered up and mad at me for leaving them outside under the night sky, where someone might've or might've not raped them.
Such a good friend I am.

I grabbed my phone and earphones from my purse, played some music and higher the volume to the max. Black Widow came up, I got lost in the lyrics that made my head sway to beat. If someone was to walk in on me, seeing me looking like a hobo and moving their head like a mental person that requires mental treatment, I'd probably freak them out.
I make such a good impression.

What felt like an hour -which was actually three minutes- I decided to drink just a little. I don't even know how to plan on doing that, just a little, I'm in a bad mood that I can be drinking bleach without realizing it.

I don't bother looking in the mirror, requires a lot of energy, plus I'd rather not get scared of my own reflection.

"Sammyyyyyy!" Ashley slurred, wobbling in her shiny heels over to my direction with a bottle of liquor dangling from her weak grip around the neck of the bottle. Her dress and hair were unruly, marks on her neck and collar bone probably from drunk guys that easily laid their filthy hands on her.

"Thanks!" I grab the bottle and down the remainder of it, she only left a little bit in there so that won't get me close to drunk. Eh.

"Heeeeey!" She tried being angry with me but it was impossible considering her state at the moment. "Let's go get more!" She yelled over the loud music, yet her voice was loud enough for quite a few people around the area to turn their heads to us.

I threw away the empty bottle I stole from her and poured spiked punch in a cup. "Grab a drink, this is going to be one hell of a night" I raised my cup to her and gulped it down at once. I needed to take a seat and enjoy my drink, but unfortunately, no seat was available.

We most likely finished the entire bowl, right when someone came to pour himself a cup, he glared at us and grumbled something along these lines "Stupid bitches" we laughed at the idiot that left then planned on drinking the entire drinks in this very house.

I really needed to pee due to the amount of liquid I've consumed. Stumbling over a few people, I made my way to the same bathroom I've been to before and pissed, the relief washing over my body. I couldn't help but smile joyfully after the little trip to the bathroom.

"There you are!" She yelled as I was back to the kitchen containing a few people in there, the loud music from the living room could be heard faintly in here. The walls were sort of thick so we would barely make out what song played.

"Yes I'm here!" I laughed and hugged her as if I haven't seen her in forever. "Gabriel's going to be mad that I've been drinking" I snorted, she laughed shortly after I did. I can picture Gabe's angry face once he finds out that I'm drunk. Not my first time being caught, he doesn't mind parties but no drinking. Mom and dad definitely have no clue about this. That's why the three Musketeers always back me up, and I owe them for that.

"Have these!" Someone overly enthusiastic -obviously drunk just as we were- handed us two white tablets. I couldn't pick out the person's features but it was a girl I think, probably one of those cheerleaders being nice. Thinking it was a mint, I was close to chewing it but Ashley told me to swallow it. Oh B12!

Wait why would someone give us vitamins? Oh well who gives a shit! I gulp down my drink after tossing the pill in my mouth. I begun to feel funny a few minutes later, leaning against the counter once I lose balance. I laugh when Ashley falls on her butt, she laughed harder until her belly started to hurt.

Seconds, minutes pass by and we both are still laughing our heads off and consuming more alcohol. She kept saying she needed the "baaaaate-room" but obviously, I couldn't understand her.

Only to laugh further until our laughters came to an end for a moment there.
His head was lowered, hands in his pockets. Don't ask how I managed to figure out who he was, I'm surprised I still know its Ashley with me and not anyone else.

He opened the fridge, but to be shut my me with my hand forcefully. He slowly turned around, confused blue orbs staring deeply into my own amber ones.
"W-what do you want Samantha?" He suddenly asked, tensed at our very close distance. My name on his tongue sounded like alcohol; so good and attractive.

My eyes shamelessly checked him out before zeroing on his pink lips, oh and that shiny metal ring between his lips. I so desperately wanted to feel it against my lips. Absentmindedly, I bit my lip and smirked, his eyes shutting the moment my fingers slowly ran through his dark hair.

Not a minute past and I've begun to suck on his jaw, his neck, his moans were better than the blaring music. One leg was between his legs, my thigh almost touching his crotch. "S-Sammy" he hissed as my teeth nibbled on his skin.

"Best porn eveeeeeer!" I hear Ashley sing. I gave her the finger while driving Ethan crazy, smirking against his red swollen skin.


Worst chapter eveeeeeer!

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