Chapter 7

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"I hate you for doing this to me" I grumbled and crossed my arms at the snickering Madison. To be fair, she was very gorgeous, I admired how she still remained pretty with all the leather studded cuffs and dark clothing. What she wore wasn't skanky besides the top I borrowed which she will gladly burn. I saw her closet last time I came over -one of my regrets- her clothes were like any other pair of clothes that I owned but just the color and the writings were different.

"I'm so proud of my work. I made a mini me" her eyes closed, shaking her head and placing her palm on her closed mouth in a touching manner, obviously fake.

"You made me look goth. Look at my face" I pointed two fingers at the smeared thick line of eyeliner and extraordinary wing she created at the corner of my eyes.

Don't take it the wrong way, I have nothing against goths. I just didn't like the idea of wearing all dark, it's merely depressing . "You're right. You don't look good as I do" her forest green eyes eyed me in disgust.

"Oh don't be so full of yourself" I narrowed my eyes at her through the mirror as I dampened a cotton ball with eye makeup remover. It worked like magic but blurred my vision if it touched my eyelashes, I didn't want to blink the white substance into my eyes. Next I coated the bluish bruise from douche bag Nathan on my neck with foundation, Maddy only rolled her eyes at me, jealous the fact that Alan was the cause of this when he had nothing to to with it.

"Honey, I only speak the truth" she mocked the way I looked at her, only the dark lashes, thick eyeliner and smoky eye shadow made her look more serious in a frightening way.

"Maddy leave her alone" Austin came in my room, finally saving me but he was only being playful. It's not like I'd expect him to be extra snappy to his lady friend.

"Alright alright. Fine" she held her hands up, making her way down the stairs in her similar black boots.

"Aaaaaaye, sexy lady" Austin goofily sang.


"No? You've never rejected me..." he placed a hand on his mouth, acting so shocked and hurt at my response. But I will admit to you that he looked adorable with his big icy blue eyes widened and his pale blond hair so messy it made him look like a 10 year old and not a 21 year old gamer who has nothing better to do than, eat, drink, fart like the Fourth of July fireworks, get his thumbs sore from tapping the damn controller all day -Oh wait, he wouldn't even care if they were broken. He'd risk his health for gaming- like Austin like Zachary. However, Zach was worse. Let me not explain, it's for your own good.

"Did you guys finish the beer again?" I amusedly placed my hands on my hips.

"How'd you guess?"

"I didn't. You're just acting overly dramatic over the idea of rejection" I teased with an eye roll and a smile.

"No that was only acting bitchacho. Is Al coming?"

"Ya know, he has a life at home. Unlike you" I mumbled, we don't take things like these as insults but only as honest jokes. We've gotten used to it throughout our childhood so we're totally cool with it.

"Hey! Being a gamer is hard work too" at this, the I accidentally blinked the eye makeup remover in my eye, causing my vision to annoyingly blur and burn my eyes like hell.

"Now look what you made me do" I pouted, partially glad at the fact that I don't get to see my ghostly eyes.

"Oh please, you can't scare me, only the alien/robotic monster zombie freak can" yeah I had no idea what he was blabbering about.

"Would you be a good friend before I go completely blind and help?" that was an exaggeration, it can't blind me yet the burning remained longer than the unclear vision.

"Alrighty. But if I poke your eyeball out then that will be a serious issue..." his lean and muscular body towered my petite physique.

"I highly doubt that" I sarcastically remarked, causing him to flick my forehead.


"Now now, you asked for my help didn't you?" I huffed and hoped he won't get the stuff in my other eye this time.


Ello :D ! Comment&vote all the time because it makes me happy ^_^

Photo: Madison Curtis (imagine her with colored hair xD)

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