Chapter 8

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"You do realize the dare is permanent right? And no dying your hair again unless you were dared to" Gabriel entered the kitchen only to smack my hair, it smacking my face in return.

"I'm well aware" I nod, pressing my lips together, my patience growing thin.

"Mhm. Y'all wanna eat something?!" he shouted over to Austin, Madison and Zach sitting in the living room.

"Fuck yeah! I'm dying of starvation here!" Zach hollered.

"Wow seriously Zach? All that over Chinese?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uh remember his dare?" I looked at him cluelessly, having no idea what dare he was talking about "Right you were in your last class. Anyways yeah I dared him to stop eating for an entire hour"

"Woooooow!" I bluntly said. "Is that how he acted in school? "I'm dying of starvation!" I mocked.

How could I forget how hungry he always was yet slimmer than me? Has no ass, no stomach. I mentally held my palm up, unable to understand this even though these two practically lived under this roof the moment we all moved here.

"That's Zach indeed" I couldn't still figure out how Zach heard us while all his focus was on his video game, I was thinking he had some sort of ability to hear people having a normal conversation in an entirely different room.

"It's Zachary goddamned it!" he exasperatedly called out. Yeah I'm guessing you know he hates being called Zach, Zachary it shall only be.

"You're so tiny..." Gabe randomly blurted, my eyebrows knitting together in bewilderment.


"I said you're so-" I put my hand up to silence him.

"I heard you" I nodded slightly. "What makes you realize that right now after 17 years of knowing me?"

"Well as you just said.. I realized that right now" he shrugged.

"You're too much of an idiot to be related to me" I amusedly smiled at him and rolled my eyes.

"But you love me" he added an arrogant 'Hmm' sternly after that.

"Sure sure" I waved my hand back and forth as my back faced him so that my legs carried me where everyone sat.

"Then he went all "WHY YOU DO DIS TO MY FADER, SCAR!?" Madison's voice blared into the quietness of the house.

"Yeah why you do dis hairy lion? Bad girl". Despite not knowing what the hell they were talking about, its a normal thing doing this.

"Shish Samuel, she's telling us what happened to her earlier" Austin ruffled my hair with his knuckles, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Let. Me. Guess. You watched the drunk version of Lion King?"

"As I was saying" she seethed. "I have no damn clue what he held, it looked something like a-"

"Damn it Mads! Let's keep it rated everyone, shall we?" I cut her off humorously knowing what she was about to say wasn't actually anything bad. All this to piss her off, it's quite the scene seeing her all flustered.

For the first time in forever -no the lyrics from Frozen wasn't intended- Zachary actually laughed at what I've said. Everyone gave him a look of surprise, he rarely laughed about a joke I made.

"Go away you piece of worthless shit" she angrily demanded after remembering our previous argument, I mockingly pouted and hid my face behind Austin's heavy ass bicep. If it wasn't for my skull, my head would've been pancaked.

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