2p Russia Hugs and Kisses

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      *Italics are in whispers, Bold is thoughts                                                                                                                                                                        

                 As you were wondering around you Russian lover's house, just being weird. Until you find Viktor's study, the one place you knew you weren't allowed to be in, it needed to be discover by you! So without making a single noise, you slowly open the door. But in the process(I'm sorrynotsorry) you knock over one of Viktor's books that was laying on the desk. How did that get there!, you whispered to yourself. Luckily, Viktor didn't hear you knock it over, so you find your way over to the desk chair and Holy Moroz was it comfortable! It was like sitting in your own little heaven, that is until you could hear Viktor's footsteps down the hallway. Trying to find a place to hide you tried hiding under the desk,(it's like one of those old principal desks) you could feel your heartbeat go faster and faster until Viktor pulled out the chair and found you. "Sunflower, what are you doing?", he said with a soft voice, "Um I  was looking for a book", you obviously lied."Is that why it's on the floor?", he pulls you up and envelops you in a warm hug, with his head on top of your shoulder. Such a familiar warmth, you thought to yourself,  a side I'll only get to see from him. "Let's just stay like this, Sunflower""Yeah, if you want my legs to give out and let me fall", you said with a laugh. You both leave to sit in the living room, next to each other, A Perfect Moment. Suddenly, Viktor shifts and lays his head on your lap and kisses your thigh(I felt so awkward writing that but it's for you guys!) and it kind of tickled you and you let out a giggle."Boi, what are you doing to my legs!", he lets out little laugh, "Just showing my love for you, Sunflower." He shifts upwards and gives you on your hand, then cheek and lastly, your lips.  "Я тебя обожаю and Я тебя люблю, Sunflower."(I adore you and I love you in Russian) Him knowing what to say that makes your heart melt. "I love you too, Viktor" you say with a bright blush on your cheeks. The rest of that night was passion and adoration.

Thanks For Reading! This is my first story! Comment if you liked it! Other than that, I'll be making more for you guys! Italy Is My Child signing out!

EDIT 9/12/18 :Bubbline is so cute!

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