2p Italy-Math is a Problem

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mysticalpandas, my co-author made this!

   You were a 25 year old college student living in your own apartment, while just barely being able to afford ANYTHING with the job you had...
It wasn't until a few years after high school you decided to take an online college class to try to get a better education for a job that would pay MUCH more than what you have now.

Somehow you met a handsome Italian guy named Luciano Vargas and the both of you had been best friends and lovers since (mystic pandas: it's not explained how you met so just make up a reason lol). You didn't exactly know what his "profession", all he told you was, "My job isn't normal and would get me in trouble if someone found out." SO you never asked anymore questions after that.

"Dammit! Why am I so awful at math!", you said after receiving a 30% on a quiz AGAIN. "How the fuck do you not know what the 3 and the square root of five plus 2 and the square root of 6 is??" You turned around and saw your love, sitting in the window sill. "Why the window??""You left it unlocked""Well I didn't know that people substituted doors for windows".

The Italian got down from the window and walked out your room, somehow you knew where he was going. In the kitchen he was looking for something, "Pasta??", you questioned him, "Yeah, you got any?""No, I'm broke as fuck." He stopped searching, "Well, what do you have?""Not much, the cheap ass job I have now practically gets me nothing, that's why I'm going back to college, but it's so fucking hard and I feel awful trying to do both at the same time..... i'm sorry Luci."

Luciano was shocked but understood your situation,"You don't need to apologise amore." He hugged you and you both stayed like that for a while, "If you're hungry, we can go to my place and I'll make something." He said still holding you close to his chest, "Ok, can we just stay like this a little longer though?" You heard him laugh, "Sure, Bambina."

2ps! (Fluffs and maybe Limes, Lemons, and Vine ships!)Where stories live. Discover now