2p Prussia-Mute with Benefits

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NO, Klaus and you are not friends with benefits. Sign language in bold

You were in the kitchen when your mute boyfriend, Klaus, came after a Axis meeting. He looked tired, so you offered him some wurst you made earlier. "What's wrong, Klaus?", you asked with worry on your face. "It's nothing liebe." He said in sign language,"It's not 'nothing'! Tell me Klaus!" You were wondering what could have made him so sad and tired.

 He started talking in sign language, "I was trying to say something at the world meeting, but then one of the countries called me out on not being a country."(My quiet child ;-;) WHAT THE HELL, someone called this man out for not being a country! Someone's about to catch these hands and a black eye. "Who said it Klaus." "It was Luciano, liebe.

He started to cry and you know that he has social anxiety and depression from not being a country anymore. But he knows that you'll always be with him to help with his illnesses. With a sigh you say, "Klaus even though you aren't a country anymore, i'll always love you and you're too good for them anyways." You grabbed your keys and so that you wouldn't worry your prussian love, you told him you were going to buy some more groceries.

You drove all the way to Luciano's and knocked on the door. "Who the hell-a is it at this time!?" When he saw your face he did a double take and tried to shut the door-KEY WORD TRIED- you opened the door wide open and you pushed down on the ground, "This is what you get for messin' with baby boi!""WAITBELLA NO!!!!" Let's just say Luci wasn't able to come to the next meeting... RIP

You drove back home to see a lovely sight. It was Klaus, laying on the couch holding a pillow like the world was gonna end without it. You took a blanket from the closet and laid on the couch with him and put the blanket on both of you. You give him a quick kiss on the forehead before going to sleep.

Klaus's pov

"Liebeling, what time is it?", I said after nudging my liebe awake,"It's 5:30 in morning, love.", She said after she got up. I heard some buzzing coming from my phone, it was Lutz.
L:Lutz K: Klaus

L: Hey bro there's no meeting next week
L: We heard that he got beaten up by someone and they're trying to figure out who did it
K: Okay thanks
L: Anytime bro!

"Was that Lutz?""Yeah, there's no meeting because Luciano got beaten up." "All right, but that means you get to stay with with me all this week and next week!" She gave a beautiful smile while closing her eyes to go to sleep. Soon I heard a snore, how the heck did she fall asleep that fast? "Night liebeling" I said with a kiss on her forehead, I'm blessed to have her.

2ps! (Fluffs and maybe Limes, Lemons, and Vine ships!)Where stories live. Discover now