2p Germany- How Could You...

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This gonna be angsty AF prepare yourself (it might not be a good one to me though) Idea with the help of mysticalpandas

      How could he do this.....
You trusted Lutz with your past, home , and your heart. Why? Just why? Pain. Sadness. Anger.

"From once was yours and once was mine"

You were just getting dressed to go over to Lutz's house. You called him but he didn't answer, he's been acting cold towards you and you thought it was because of work but...

"I'm breakable, Unbreakable. I'm shakeable, Unshakeable."

You drove over, it was only a 15 minute drive. You knock on the door... No answer? When you knocked on the door not even twice, he always opened it. You started to get a aching feeling in your chest, did something happen?

"Glassy Sky Above! As long I'm alive you will be part of me!"

You tried to open the door, it was unlocked? You stepped inside, "Lutz! I'm here!" No answer, again. You walked upstairs and you saw clothes on the floor. A male's and female's....
"Lutz... Why?"

"Glassy Sky- The cold, the broken pieces of me!"

As you walked down the hallway you heard a moan and grunt. You opened the door to see Lutz on top of a another woman. "Hey! Do you know what privacy is!", the woman yelled taking you out of a trance. You saw Lutz's look to you, "(Y/n)! This isn't-!".  "Save me the words Lutz! Everyday I thought that you were just tired from the meetings, turns it was just me you were tired of, huh! I thought that maybe you would turn back to Lutz I first met, but no those Lutz's are just cheaters."

"Sometimes I wonder what's beyond. I tried many times to make it up to you. Can somebody tell me what to do?  Thought we're meant to be but..."

"(Y/n)! Don't leave me!""It's too late." You said before turning on your heel. Tears started coming down like rivers of sadness, you didn't want him to see you cry so you started to run, "Goodbye Lutz... Forever" You got into the car and started it up driving away as fast as you cloud. It was all a blur, from the first time you met, the first kiss, and even your first time. It was so blurry you didn't see the car coming straight towards you. You saw lights go by and then just total....

"But there's no looking back....."


Song belongs to Amalee on YouTube so check her out! Thanks for reading, Italyismychild signing out!

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