2p America- My Meme Boi

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*Various memes, Italics are whispers, Bold are thoughts, AT the same time talking underlined 

                        Getting in the car is you and your lovely boyfriend of two years, Allen Jones. (Allen starts off the conversation) both at the same time "Hey, I'm hungry you wanna go get taco bell?" "Jinx, you owe me a -Kiss on the lips(allen)" You try to get out but its not working. "you're not going anywhere(Y/NNNNNNN)" "AAAAHHHHhhhh" Allen grabs you by the arms and gives a soft kiss on the lips, "See your not going anywhere, doll", you give out a small Boi to him. " I feel like I've been violated after that.",you joke to him, "You'll still be after tonight, doll", with his perverted look of his flipping face."Boi, you better back up or you won't get any at all!", after that he sinks back into his chair like a child who didn't get ice cream. You were just plain out hungry, you wanted nothing but FOOD FOR YOUR TUM TUM. "FOur female Ghostbusters, the feminists are taking over! I'm an adult virgin (insert Ghostbusters theme here)." You let out a laugh at Allen's little joke that he got from Vine. "Of course you are, you vegan virgin." You keep on laughing until you see Taco Bell, Allen gets a salad(they sell those right?) while you get 2 Doritos tacos.

Time Skip~brought to you by Italy's PASTAAAAA~

After finishing you dinner you change and watch some good ol Hetaoni(I'm so sorry, you haven't gotten to the deaths), that's interrupted when you noticed that there were rose petals coming down the hallway. "Bruh, WTF." You've been .............. gone all day, HOW. You walk down the hallway and the rose petals lead to your bedroom? You open the door to find a half naked Allen. "Hey, Do-""NOPE!". Not ANOTHER day of no walking, no, nope, nada, NOope. You closed the door as soon as he ran over and you heard a thud on the door. You sit back on the couch and you hear the door open and here comes a half naked  Allen on the couch. "Can't believe you left me there, doll!""Well, what would you do if you saw a half naked man in your bedroom, with roses!" "I would thank him for the roses, but I don't swing that way doll." You let out a little laugh at his joke. "But you know doll, we could get some friction on if ya know what I mean." "Yeah, sure- wait WHAT!""DOESN'T MATTER YOU SAID YES." You feel Allen lift you up and carry you to the bedroom.

Let's just say you weren't able to go to work the next morning. RIP READER

Thanks again for reading, Loves!
Italyismychild, signing out!

2ps! (Fluffs and maybe Limes, Lemons, and Vine ships!)Where stories live. Discover now