2p France-I Care

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This was with the help of my friend mysticalpandas

You sat there in your room thinking about your current situation. You were depressed, there was no doubt about, but you didn't know why ... maybe it's because you lost your favorite video game or because your headphones broke, or maybe ...... it's because your boyfriend stopped caring about you.

Yeah. That was it. Even from the beginning you knew he wasn't the best at relationships, but considering he had agreed to be in one, it didn't seem fair that he would act this way towards you. "Uhh, hey (Y/n)?" Francois opened the bedroom door only to see you laying in bed crying. "Oh.... maybe I should come back later." You quickly sat up and wiped away your tears, "No, it's fine, what did you want?""Nevermind it wasn't that important." You roll your eyes, "Ok whatever, you probably didn't care anyway...." You mumbled that last part, but he heard you.

Francois's POV

"Ok whatever, you probably didn't care anyway...." I was about to close the door until she said those words. "You think I don't care?" I said in the same monotone voice as before and I stared at the floor near the doorway. "Kinda, this entire week you just seemed like you didn't want to be around me, so I came in here because I didn't want to be a bother, but if it's true and you really don't like me then you can go... I'll understand.." She said as tears fell down her face again.

I walked over to the bed and sat with her. "Listen, I know it seems like I'm some kind of asshole, which I am, but I try not to be. I really do care about you and I try my best to be good enough for you, though I guess I'm not... I'm sorry." He pulled you over and sat you on his lap, resting your head on his chest. "Just understand that you're probably the first person I ever loved.... and... I'm not used to this so please be patient with me." She giggled a bit, "Ok."

"I love you too, France."

2ps! (Fluffs and maybe Limes, Lemons, and Vine ships!)Where stories live. Discover now