Chapter Three

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      '' So, this...MS13 group..why'd you want to go? '' Grayson asked as we grabbed hooded raincoats, mine black and his blue. I shrugged, a strange tugging sensation in my chest. 

'' I guess I just get curious. You probably understand why..'' I said softly, my voice fading as I noticed Ashley standing in the entrance of the hallway, arms crossed over her chest. '' No, '' I said, reading her expression. '' No, you're not - '' 

'' I'm not asking to go! '' she barked, thrusting a piece of folded paper at me. I blinked hesitantly, staring at her as she looked away. '' Give this to a guy named Ayden. He's in their group. '' She growled quietly, and I took the paper, shoving it into my pocket with my phone. Though confused, I nodded to her. 

'' I will. And hey, tell Cedric that we'll be back in about 2 to 3 hours. The walk's pretty long. '' I smiled at her, she smiled back, and off we went. 

The rain pelted down harder than ever, and as we walked into the darkness, I heard Grayson sigh. '' What if we get killed tonight? '' he asked as we ducked under branches and dodged thorn-bushes. 

'' What will you do, propose before we both die a horrible, tragic death? '' I scoffed, swiping at branches that were drooping down, letting water slide off of the hood I was wearing and onto my glasses. Fallen branches and twigs crackled as we walked towards the exit of our guarded house, and as I glanced back, I noticed we were out of eyesight of the place. After Grayson became silent, I felt bad and gave a disappointed sigh. '' Gray, I was kidding. We won't die, though. Not with our oh-so-powerful forces combined. '' I winked at him through the darkness, and somehow I believed he saw me.

After about fifteen minutes of silent walking, and the crackling of thunder, Grayson began to speak softly, as if to not imply offense. '' How have you survived this long? '' he asked, and as he took a long pause and my mouth opened to speak, he quickly continued. '' I mean, you just..don't look like the kind of person who can run and hide from the cops for so many years, much less kill someone. Well, many people..'' 

'' Because I'm a thick legend? '' I snorted, and he tensed beside me, only alerting my notice as it happened at the exact same time our arms brushed against each other's. 

'' N-No, I don't mean it like that. What I mean is...agh, you're so young, it's hard to believe you're in the business..'' he corrected himself, and I found myself grinning at his words. 

'' None of the teachers at my school knew, '' I stated, and he didn't look at me as we crossed out onto the empty, dimly lit road that was covered in falling rain. '' I mean, I joked about murder all the time. I had this sort of bloodlust that wouldn't go away, y'know? And my friends heard my jokes, too. None of them listened good enough, other than Ashley. Boy, did we have a long talk about it. When she found out, she was surprisingly calm. And I was all like - 'okay, this is weird'. But then I found out that she was an accomplice, and trusted her even more since I knew she couldn't hold anything against me. '' I finished and took a long, drawn in breath of thick, humid air, and coughed. 

'' So you don't feel any sort of sympathy when you do it? '' he asked, '' Killing someone? '' 

I turned my head to him, and he refused to look at me. Slightly hurt, I shrugged. '' That's just me. '' I said softly, disgusted at myself for so soon revealing my love for bloodshed. 

We didn't talk for a while, jogging across train tracks and ducking whenever a car passed. As we neared the MS' campsite, I saw crime watch signs posted everywhere in the area, with the word ''MURDER'' in red spraypaint. We finally got there, and took in the area. '' We're in the middle of nowhere, '' Grayson observed, sounding tense. I was beginning to get slightly alert as well, looking around in the darkness, half expecting someone to jump out at us and pull the trigger. 

'' Let's just find a way in, '' I mumbled, still lingering on how it sounded like Grayson had been pitying me by asking if I felt sympathy. 

Finding an entrance wasn't that hard. It was slightly hidden by fake moss and splatters of fake blood - which Grayson begged me to smell to be sure. To be honest, it was kind of pathetic. I expected something much more guarded - yet then again, it was in the middle of nowhere. No one would be on the hunt for such a rundown place. 

Their camp was a gigantic, white brick hospital, obviously recently built judging by the non-decaying strokes of paint. But this hospital wasn't red and white, it was black, grey, and white, with a black-and-red warning sign plastered to the two front, boarded up glass doors. '' Looks like a mansion...'' Grayson commented quietly, glancing anxiously behind his shoulder every once in a while. '' I think we should-'' 

Click, Click, Click. 

'' -just in case we- '' 

Click, Click, Click-Click-Click-Click-Click-Click-Click-Click-Click

'' Gray, GET DOWN! ''

Just as I grabbed Grayson and shoved him to the side into a nearby thornbush - me being under him, completely stabbed to death by prickles - an explosion set off directly where we were standing, and a look of horror passed over my face. Grayson got off of me, and every single time my heart pumped or my muscles moved, pain shot through every vein and every skin cell in my body, blood oozing out of little holes that were all over my body and poking through my clothes. It looked like I'd been shot a million times. 

'' Oh God...'' Grayson said, looking at how the explosion only put a slight dent in the ground and broke the sign on the doors. '' That could've been us..''

'' But it wasn't, '' I said, wincing as I stood up and allowed more thorns to stick to my clothes, one slipping under the loose rain coat and stabbing my stomach. I tore them off of me and let the rain wash the blood away, but I was still sore from being stabbed by Mother Nature. 

Walking up to the doors beside Grayson, I suddenly saw cameras aiming down at us, and a scowl passed over my face. '' We didn't come here to attack, if that's what you think. '' I said in an inside voice, hoping no one from down the road had heard the explosion, though they'd be miles and miles away. The camera clicked and whirred. '' Don't explode us again, okay? '' my voice dropped into a whisper, '' Paranoid bastards...'' 

'' Password. '' hissed a voice through the camera, and an annoyed feeling was spreading through my arms and legs, even my stomach. But maybe it was the bleeding. Whatever it was, I didn't care to examine. 

'' Password? '' I snapped, biting down hard on my tongue and mentally counting by tens to get to one hundred and calm down. '' Look, I'm here for-'' suddenly, the folded paper in my pocket weighed a million pounds. I yanked it out after almost dropping my phone into the mud and opened it, growling as I realized the light pencil marks were close to gone. ''-Ayden? Ayden Sellers? '' 

The voice that had come over the camera was gone, and suddenly, the boarded up doors crashed open, and Grayson jumped back, as did I. Standing in front of me was a tall, pale boy with short blonde hair and dark brown eyes. I felt myself struggle to settle my breathing as I took in how abnormally tall and handsome he was. He must've been, what, eighteen years old? 

'' Are you Ayden? '' Grayson said and sounded quite unsure, stepping in front of me. I pushed him gently to the side and stepped forward.

'' Who sent you? '' Ayden said softly before I could speak, and his voice was velvet smooth and deep. 

'' Ah..Erm - Ashley? Ashley McCoy..'' I stuttered, but quickly re-composed myself and pressed my lips into a hard, straight line. Ayden's eyes gained a little more color, and I wasn't sure if what was dripping down my lip was rain or drool. 

'' Come in. '' he said hesitantly, and I nodded, grabbing Grayson by the arm and pulling him into the doors of the building. I turned to shut them, but they slammed behind us and a loud clicking sound was heard, and the doors seemed to be bolted shut. 

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