Chapter Eight

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          I finally made it to the MS base, and ignored the whirring of the camera, banging loudly on the door. They flung open, and there stood Ayden, his dirty blonde hair damp and hanging over his eyes. Scanning the area past the door, he pursed his lips. 

'' Where's your partner? ''

'' Not here. ''

'' Really? Then why're you here? ''

'' To see someone. ''

'' Ethan? '' Ayden snorted, rolling his eyes.

'' No, idiot. '' I hissed back, and Ayden sighed, pressing his hand into something that glowed bright blue and the doors opened. I hurried in, met with the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice, relaxing a little. 

Without being accompanied, I rushed down the hallway and shoved open the door we went in last time, but this time it was empty, calm, and quiet, with everyone but 3 people gone. There was Emma, who was sitting on the couch beside James, and then Brooklynn, who was gulping down a clear liquid straight out of a mixer. James' eyes went to me, but Emma looked deep in thought, and they immediately brightened. He stood up and trotted over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed, feeling relieved. 

'' Why'd you come back? '' James said quietly, furrowing his perfect eyebrows. '' Ethan's gone for the night - you're very lucky..'' he trailed off when he saw my eyes fixed on Brooklynn, and rubbed my back soothingly, smiling a little. '' It's okay sister, '' he chuckled knowingly. '' I'll leave you to her. '' he went to a velvet-red leather chair and sat down, getting out his phone. 

I walked over to Brooklynn and sat beside her, and she turned to me, smiling giddily. She let out a long breath and I immediately caught scent of the alcohol on her breath, and more came out as words rolled off of her tongue. '' JuJu, you came back..?'' she smiled, wrapping her arms around me. I tensed and backed away for a few seconds, but then let her be. 

'' Yeah...mainly to see you, '' I said, deciding it wasn't worth my time to be careful with my words. James shot a glance at me, grinned, and looked back down. Brooklynn, however, trembled with gratitude and hugged me even tighter. 

'' You're sweet, '' she slurred, leaning her head onto my chest. Before I knew it, her hand had come up and was now pressed against my ''chest''. I shrieked and fell backward, my eyes wide and my face blood red in the bright white lights of the luxurious party room. 

'' Don't. Ever. Do. That. '' I stuttered out, my breathing rapid. I was beyond embarrassed - however, Brooklynn looked pleased with herself. 

We all waited around for her to sober up, my head on James' chest as we'd crammed together in the large chair. His leg was wound between mine, and his other one crossed over, his head resting on the back of the chair. He was warm - I thought I'd fall asleep then and there. 

Which is...exactly what I did. 

  ♠ ♠ ♠ 

'' Wake up, '' I heard James' voice - he was speaking softly, his warm eyes almost glowing. The fresh grassy green color swirled into an Atlantic blue as he gazed at me. As I stared I could feel myself become hypnotized by the changing colors. He smiled and spots of gold danced in his irises and grew to swallow the blue...aand I was staring. 

I remember freaking out - I untangled myself from James and fell to the floor, scooting back, my face burning. ''Sorry, '' I said, trying to feel emotion, but I just couldn't. Other than the gigantic urges to be around him all of the time, I felt nothing like sympathy, gratitude towards him, or an urge to be kind. I felt that with no-one. Recently I'd been on an emotion kick - maybe it was possible for me to feel something. My body reacted enough - if I was flustered, embarrassed, angry, then my face would heat up, but I just didn't feel it. My words never matched my actions at all. The hardest to feel was love, or sadness. The easiest - anger. I had alot of that, so it shouldn't have been a problem. 

James looked down at me and chuckled, shaking his head. '' It's alright. You fell asleep. '' 

'' I did? '' my face went blank. '' What time is it? ''

James pulled out a large, marbled phone and I saw it light up his face as he turned it on. '' About 6 pm. '' he said, turning the phone off, setting it on the arm of the chair, and folding his hands over his knees that were pulled up to his chest. 

'' Wow, '' I breathed out, realizing I'd gotten more sleep than needed. I felt my eyes linger near the bar area, tilting my head. '' Where's Brooklynn? '' 

'' At your base. '' 

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