Chapter Fourteen

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               '' JJ?! '' Voices surrounded me as I collapsed to the ground, my body trembling and a traumatic look on my face, which was a dead, pale color. I shivered - everything was so cold, my eyes were wide and my lips were trembling. A hand touched my shoulder, and I lashed out, eyes widening more if humanly possible.

'' She's done this before, '' a familiar voice said, and I was shoved onto my back. My body reacted with thrashes and midair punches, my face going red with anger. A leathery object was shoved over my mouth, binding my head to the ground, and my arms were tied to my sides. I could still feel the cold blood sliding down my throat, and I kicked my legs around, thrashing and screaming, though muffled by whatever was in my mouth. 

'' Will she be okay? '' voices mashed together, and I felt my vision go blurry, yellow spots dancing on the ceiling. I could see his face and hear his voice. I could hear Sam, his tiny, soft voice asking me to make him a bowl of Fruit Loops. I screamed - tears were flying down my cheeks, my legs flung out and I heard a crash of maybe a breaking table or shelf. 

Five minutes in, and my breathing had calmed. I was still crying, begging the memories to stop dancing around in my mind. I could feel the hot, stinky breath of my father on my face next to my bed, telling me that if I told the police, he'd kill me. I could feel Sam's little hands wrapping around mine as my father came home, undoubtedly drunk. I could see the smile on his face as I brought home stolen Lucky Charms instead of Fruit Loops like always. I remember hiding them under my bed, and when my Dad had approached Sammy about it, I'd told him it was me. I'd taken the beating, and Sammy had watched. My poor little Sammy - I wished I could save him. 

'' Let me up, '' I sobbed into the leather, my voice thick and muffled. 

'' Don't run this time, okay? '' Ashley said softly; cautiously. She undid the bonds and I flung up, throwing my fist into her jaw. James and Emma rushed to her side, as did Cedric, and there was a big bruise forming on her jawline. She stared at me, wide-eyed. 

'' Don't ever tie me down, '' I shuddered, remembering the hospital. The seizure was traumatic - my tongue stung from how my teeth had crashed down on it, and as I lifted my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I couldn't shun the feeling of pain it sent through my body. Ashley nodded to me, rubbing her jaw with a gentle, pale hand. I didn't feel bad about hitting her, despite her being my best friend.

'' Come on, '' I heard Grayson speak softly to me, his big hand outstretched. I grabbed it and stood up, looking at James once before nodding and following Grayson to my own large room, sitting on the bed for a few seconds before laying down. He walked around to the side of the bed and pulled the covers over me, tucking them into my sides. He laid a gun on my nightstand, and took off my glasses, folding them and putting them beside the gun. I sighed, my whole body trembling under the covers. '' You'll be okay, '' he whispered in a deep, velvet voice. He leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead - I could feel my face burning beneath the pale white cover of trauma on my face. He smiled softly at me - I felt myself drool over him - and left, leaving the door cracked.

About an hour passed and as I had my eyes closed, the door opened, light peeking through into the room. I cracked open my eyelids - Brooklynn was in the room, probably thinking that I was asleep. I closed my eyes quickly as she situated herself carefully and quietly onto the still, soft bed, sliding under the covers and laying her head on my shoulder, sighing. 

My face went deep crimson, and I huffed, turning a little and letting my dreams take me away. 

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