Chapter Six

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      After escaping the place in a rush, with Brooklynn's flask in my hand and an ache in my chest, we sprinted back to the base through pouring rain that flooded the streets. 

Grayson and I burst into the door after putting the code in, and we were both panting, having ran the whole way. Sitting on the common room couch was Matthew, Cedric, and Ashley, looking up at us with blank faces. 

'' Did you give him the note? ''

'' Where were you two? ''

'' What is that? '' 

They all spoke at exactly the same time, and I glanced at Grayson, mentally playing rock paper scissors with him until he gave me puppy eyes, and I gave in. '' We checked out their camp..'' I started uncertainly. '' Yes, I gave him the note. And this -'' I held up the flask shyly, tracing my thumb along the carved letter. '' - is a souvenir. '' 

'' So, you killed them? '' asked Matthew, sounding awestruck. 

'' No, someone...'' I glanced nervously at Ashley, the only one who knew my secret, and shrugged. '' Someone just tossed it at me and I decided to keep it I guess. '' I shook it for them to hear. '' Water. '' 

Grayson snorted and I stomped on his foot, looking away.

'' It's 3:35 AM as of right this second, '' said Ashley. '' You both need showers. You reek of alcohol and weed, and JJ, don't even get me started on you. You smell like a Starbucks gone wrong. '' I thought back to when Ethan and James had come into contact with me and blushed, shrugging hopelessly. 

'' Enough chit-chat, what'd you DO? '' Matthew hissed, and I growled back at him. 

'' All they do is party. All they have are guns. They have a mansion disguised as an abandoned hospital in the middle of literally nowhere, '' I said quickly, getting slightly angry. I squeezed the cold flask in my left hand, my other gripping the hem of my rain coat. 

'' Are you kidding me? That means- '' Suddenly, an alarm went off in Ashley's room, and a whirring sound could be heard from the front door. I ran to the front door and glanced at the monitor beside the door on the table, seeing Brooklynn standing at the door, drenched in rainwater. Relief flooded my chest and went down to my stomach, and I pressed the mic beside the door. 

'' Get off of my property! '' I tried to make my voice sound low, but I saw Brooklynn smile and wink at the camera, and it was over. '' Come on in, '' I sighed, pressing a button and opening the door.  

The metal doors swung open, and in hurried Brooklynn, her face brightened by the dripping rainwater that reflected the common room. She looked at me and shivered, nodding her head as if in an apology. Behind her, I heard barking, and in ran a giant, black and white pointer hound mix, her ears flopping as she ran. '' Dear god, Brooklynn, '' I facepalmed, shutting the doors as the muddy dog ran in. '' Did you swing by my house before this? '' glancing over at MY dog, who was smiling, her tongue lolling out of her mouth in the rapid pants she was emitting, I reached down and wiped some of the mud off of her chest. 

'' Yeah, '' she shrugged, taking off her bartender apron to reveal that the only spot of cleanliness was her chest and stomach. Brooklynn took off the blue jacket and was wearing a plain black shirt, along with the black-jean pants she was wearing before, which were pierced with holes, most possibly from thorns. '' I went through Hell trying to get here, '' she told me, sitting down on the leather chair of the common room, getting an annoyed rumbling sound from Matthew. I turned to Ashley, and saw that she was lost in thought. Grayson looked annoyed, and Cedric looked confused, maybe alerted. '' Why is your camp surrounded by mother nature's barriers? ''

'' Ever seen zombie movies? The barriers made by people never last. Zombies break em down, whoop'dee'do, we're all dead. Zombie's dont break down trees, thick branches, and thorns. They get caught, and they stay caught. Unless your mans has a sword, no chance he's getting in here. Plus, '' I walked over to the door and tapped on it with my knuckles. '' thick metal. '' 

'' Mind if I have a little house tour? '' Brooklynn asked, standing. 

'' Ha, nice try Brooklynn. Go back to your own camp. ''

'' It's 4 AM, and I'm soaked. Cant I stay? '' she asked, looking up at me with puppy eyes.

'' Most definitely not, '' Grayson suddenly said, and I sighed, walking over to him and sitting right in between him and Matthew, leaning my head onto Grayson's shoulder, tired of making decisions. 

'' Alright, alright, fine, '' Brooklynn stood and went to the door. My dog, Beta, stayed sitting at Grayson's feet, seeing as she liked him maybe more than me. 

The thick metal flung open and Brooklynn stepped out, and it slammed right behind her. 

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