26. Twitter

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MaiyahJ: I want to do another Q&A so ask questions!

User1: Are you planning on releasing new music?
MaliyahJ: Yes! I'm working on some new songs atm!

camerondallas: How much do you love me 1-10?
MaliyahJ: Probably a 9, would be a 10 if you weren't late for our date :)

User2: Are you still in clout gang? I haven't seen you with them since you joined.
MaliyahJ: Yeah! I live with them I just don't see the need to post them on my social media 24/7!

User3: Whats your song about?
MaliyahJ: About being into someone a lot basically

User4: Are you going to go into acting?
MaliyahJ: Maybe. I've auditioned for a few things😉

User5: What youtubers do you enjoy watching?
MaliyahJ: I don't really watch youtube that much but when i do i normally watch my friends or Sam & Colby, i really enjoy exploring/haunted videos

MaliyahJ: Once again thank you all for the questions🌙💛

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