127. Instagram

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***likes***commentsmaliyah: Can you tell i love christmas?

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maliyah: Can you tell i love christmas?


user1: oooo

user2: ILY

gabi: you're so cute

user3: we need more zaliyah content

user4: gabi is obsessed with hough i swear

user5: ^legit and she claims not to be obsessed with you and yet she's trying to be your friend

user6: ^she needs to leave

user7: her being in the video made her think you two are friends im laughing

user8: fr^

niki: ^she just looks up to her that's all, she has owned up to stuff in her videos and she is jut inspired by her outfits. Aren't you all inspired by celebs aswell. Also there's absolutely no problem in commenting on peoples instagrams, i'm pretty sure you've called celebs you love cute and stuff so please just leave gabi alone she's doing absolutely nothing wrong. If Maliyah had a problem with it i'm pretty sure she would comment on it or dm her. :)

Gabi: niki ❤️❤️

user9: lmaoooo

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