124. Interview

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[skipping intro and going straight into the questions]

"Do you plan on releasing any music next year?"

"i'm currently working on some stuff for a potential new album i hope to release later this year,"

"What made you make Dusk Till Dawn?"

"I was inspired by a lot of things so I just wrote it, and it wasn't originally going to be released but then Maliyah said she would be on the track, which made it sound so much better so then it got released,"

"speaking of Maliyah, how are you guys?"

"we're great, we're doing amazing'"

"What's inspiring you in life right now?"

"my friends, family and girlfriend,"

"How would you say someone knows when they're in love?"

"you have a connection to the person and it's like they're the only thing you care about. Love is a weird but amazing thing and it makes you feel so good when you find the right person, but it's different for everyone to realise when they're in love i guess,"

"How did you surprise your girlfriend for her birthday?"

"she thought we were gonna spend the night as just us but then i got her friends and family and we decided to surprise her,"

"what's your favourite time of year and why?"

"I love the christmas time of year, I just love being with family,"


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