58. Instagram

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***likes***commentsjackgilinski: Happy 22nd birthday my love

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jackgilinski: Happy 22nd birthday my love. I was going to write some cringy paragraph but you'll get that over text😉 i love you.
tagged: Maliyah


maliyah: thank you sm💛

maliyah: i love you so much

maliyah: marry me

fatherkels: woah calm you're married to me how could you do this maliyah

user1: why don't you just write the paragraph here she'll see it anyway

jackgilinski: user1 we like to keep a lot of our relationship private and if i wrote it for instagram then it would put a lot of the stuff out to our followers we really don't want that.

user2: happy birthday!

sammywilk: Happy birthday
[comment liked by @maliyah]

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