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MaliyahJ: I haven't done a Q&A in ages so ask me questions and i'll answer as many as possible :)

user1: Were you nervous about having a child
maliyahj: yes 100%. I didn't know I would have one this early on so i was nervous about it. and bc i've never been pregnant because obvs i had no idea how things were going to go

user 2: Do you want more children?
maliyahj: Yes yes yes yes yes

user3: When do you want more
maliyahj: we want another in the next couple of years because we want Christian and the other d/s to be close in age

user4: Do you miss doing music?
maliyahj: yes! I originally was gonna go back into it once i had given birth but i'm glad i didn't bc all i wanna do is spent time with my son. Perhaps i'll get back into it when i'm done having children

user5: How did u tell Zayn?
maliyahj: We we're watching a movie one night and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore so i just told him

user6: How did u come up with the name?
maliyahj: We has both liked the name Christian and it was one of the first names that we came up with, and for the middle names it was easy that we wanted each of our family members names in there :)

user7: thought of any girl names?
maliyahj: yes, we have one planned incase we have a girl next time. We acc had it before the boy name bc we genuinely thought we were gonna have a daughter

user8: can he speak yet?
maliyahj: he just makes noices, he can crawl, stand if holding onto something and he can nearly walk :)

user9: are you excited to have more
maliyahj: so excited you don't understand

user10: are you glad you had children this early?
maliyahj: yes omg. at first I was like "omg how am i gonna do this im not prepared" but then when he came i was so happy and now he's at that very cute age i just want more

User11: Would you name one of your children after your friends?

maliyahj: Yes omg, if I get to have daughters, we've already picked names out and they all have atleast 1 of my friends names in them. They have helped me through so much that I have been through an plus we've all said that if we have daughters we would name them after one of us

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