107. Vogue

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"Maliyah Johnson is back with us today doing another Q and A session,"

"How was tour?"

"tour was amazing. I'm so sad that it's over but it just inspires me to make more music so I can on tour again"

"Are you currently writing more music?"

"yes of course, i've been writing more pretty much everyday when on the plane and tour bus,"

"is everytime still your favourite song?"

"on my recent album yes but my overall favourite song would probably be Thank u, Next, it's such a fun song to perform"

"did you have any stress on tour?"

"yes obviously. I was stressed most of the time especially when I fell ill in Australia, I was so stressed that I would be unable to perform that night"

"so are the rumours true about you and zayn?"

"i don't know, are they?"

"what do you hate most about being in the public eye?"

"I feel like I can't be in a relationship privately you know. It's like any male that i'm seen with gets turned into a dating rumour. All I want is a relationship where it's just us two, not us two and a million other people seeing our every move,"

"are you excited about being back in LA?,"

"yes, i finally get to see my family and friends again. Also it gives me a chance to relax,"

"The final question is how do you feel about being this years woman of the year?"

"i feel amazing, i'm so thankful that i have been given this chance and i'm so happy that i'm
able to inspire people to do what they love it honestly means the world to me,"

I posted quite a few chapters tonight because i'm unsure if i'm able to post tomorrow :)

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