181. Twitter

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MaliyahJ: Thank you sm for respecting my privacy throughout these 9ish months
MaliyahJ: We'll be inactive for a while because we just want to spend time with our son he's our main priority right now
MaliyahJ: I will be taking a break from making the album. I will probably release songs now and then but until he's older i want to focus on family
MaliyahJ: Also he's called Christian (we both liked that name) Yaser(zayns father) Frankie (my brother) Malik :)

Help, i've finished this book and I want to create another social media book but so it's just based around one person if you know what i mean.

I might do an actor but Idk i don't want to do a cliche one but i don't want to do one that no one would want to read. Please comment celebs

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