43. DMs

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Cameron Dallas has sent you a message

Cameron Dallas
I'm sorry

It's been 2 months now
can you just get over it?

Cameron Dallas
You think I haven't tried?
I was a dick you and i'm so
sorry I never meant to hurt you
and I never meant to offend you
I was just jealous and over-
protective over you.

Why the hell were you
jealous and why did you need
to be over protective? you had no
reason to be.

Cameron Dallas
I was jealous because i
thought you were going
to go off with Jack and
it scared me because i
didn't want to loose you.
Please can you forgive me?

Yes I will forgive you
I don't hold grudges.

Cameron Dallas
Will you be up to giving
us another go? i really
miss you

I'm sorry we can't do
that. I'm with Jack now...

Cameron Dallas

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