34. instagram

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***comments***likesmaliyah: squad night out (fyi i'm never saying squad again oops)tagged: jackgilinski jackj sammywilk fatherkels

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maliyah: squad night out (fyi i'm never saying squad again oops)
tagged: jackgilinski jackj sammywilk fatherkels


stassiebaby: wow where was i

madisonbeer: my bby looks so cute

fatherkels: Madisonbeer lol i swear you're not even together anymore um

jackj: ^yeah they're not

maliyah: stassiebaby it's not my fault that you take too long to get ready

sammywilk: tonight will be wild😉

Idk how active i'm going to be as I will barely have anytime to write in September as i'm really busy. I have upto chapter 54 saved which i wrote on the plane so i will probably upload 2/3 chapters every couple of days :)

Also if i only upload once a week it's because i'm publishing chapters on other books, i'm currently working on a non social media one which i haven't yet published and 2 other social media fanfics (my Daniel Seavey one and one that hasn't been published yet)

L :)

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