52. DMs

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Madisonbeer sent you a message

You will really regret
dating Jack

Excuse me?

You'll soon realise that
you should of never got with
him. He will treat you badly
he will probably end up
cheating on you and then
you will realise that you
should of ended it before
you had the chance to get hurt

is this your way of
trying to get him bac

no i don't want him back.
all i'm trying to say is that
maybe you should watch
your back before something
bad happens.
but anyway have fun. :)

I don't care what you say
i trust G and maybe you didn't
i know you had a lot of issues
but he's changed now and we can
all see it. I would appreciate
it if you would just move on
this was probably some plan to make
me go running so you can have Jack back.
If it was your plan then it really didn't work.
and don't worry G and i will have fun ;)

I have probably said this a million times but sorry for the slow updates I haven't had time to write more chapters so I didn't want to put one out everyday.
I'll try and write more and I want to try and upload either 2 chapters a day or at least 3 chapters every two days but idrk how that will work out.

Also thank you so much for 4.7k reads I am genuinely so thankful and I really hope
you're enjoying the story so far :)


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