Chapter Six.

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~ The Next Day ~

I was pulled out of my dreamless sleep by Roman and Seth yelling in my ear . God these assholes.

"What the hell?" I snapped looking between the two.

"Aw , look Laur is grumpy!" Seth said with a pouty face then went back to a serious face. "What the hell is this?" He shows me the picture I posted of him on twitter.

"U-uh , I was hacked." I lied while trying to hold in laughter .

"Mhm.." Seth nodded approvingly.. "Bullshit." He said.

I got up out of the bed , and crossed my arms. "And what are you going to do about it?" I asked while poking his chest with my finger.

"This." he said then nodded towards Roman . Roman looked towards me then smirked , "Baby girl , you're gonna wish you never posted that picture." he said.

Before I could even ask him what he meant , I was being hoisted in the air by Seth .

"What are you doing Lopez! Put me down!" I screeched.

Seth came to a stop in front of the pool , he looked up at me with a smirk .

"DON'T.YOU.DARE." I screamed , it takes me hours to get my hair straight.

"Too late." He said then power bombed me into the pool . Ugh , these boys will be the death of me .

"Lopez!" I screamed while flailing my arms around . Meanwhile , Seth and Roman were laughing their asses off .


I finally got out of the pool and my hair was a mess , I sighed then walked inside. I walked into the living room where Seth and Roman were and flipped them off .

"Don't worry Laur , I'm sure Hunter and Stephanie will love the 'underwater' look." Seth said then high-fived Roman before laughing again.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom , I stripped out of my clothes and did my business . I walked out of the bathroom and slipped on my bra and panties . I put on some shorts and a ' Hounds Of Justice ' top .

There was a knock on my door that made me groan .

"Who is it?" I asked.

"The mailman." The voice said sarcastically.

"What do you want Ambrose?" I asked defiantly .

"To ask you question ." he answered.

I sighed then ran my fingers through my hair. "Fine, come in." I mumbled.

He came in and stood there , "Why don't you have the same feelings for me that I do for you?" he said without losing eye contact.

I huffed angrily , really this again? "You're a player and you have a girlfriend." I said then looked away.

I could feel him burning holes in the side of my head with his eyes . "So what I said last night mean absolutely nothing?" he spoke up.

I sighed and thought for a second , I didn't want to admit how I really did feel for him . It would make me feel vulnerable and I don't want to go through that . "" I said unaudibly.

"Why... Laur?" he spat loudly which caused me to look at his bloodshot eyes.

"Why what?" I snapped. 

"Why do you do these things to me?" He said then started pacing back and forth. 

"What do i do Dean?" I asked out of curiousity.

"You make me do things I've never done before . you make me feel inhumane .. like an animal that's ready to strike . You get on my goddamn nerves .." he trailed. "Yet I still can't get enough of you." he spoke softly while walking towards me.

"Get the hell out Ambrose.." I spat while backing up , the more I backed up the closer he got. 

He held me up by neck and squeezed tightly. "Make me.." he spoke through clenched teeth.

I managed to wiggle out of his grip and connect my hand with his cheek for a powerful slap. 

His head shifted to the side then snapped back to look at me with darkened eyes. He cupped my face forcefully and crashed his lips onto mine. I tried kicking and pushing but he was much heavier than me. He put my legs around his waist then plunged his tongue into my mouth thus deepening the kiss. I kicked him in his manhood which made him fall to his knees. I was so angry that I attacked his face with lefts and rights. 

"Laur! .. Stop." I heard Roman yell.

Seth picked me up and brought me into the other room. 

"Put me the fuck down! I hate him so fucking much.." I spat.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt them rolling down my cheeks. 

Seth looked at me sadly then pulled me into a tight embrace. I cried until I couldn't produce anything , then I slowly fell asleep in his arms.


[ Okay this was boring , I know. But I needed to update this before you guys gave up on me! Lolol ♥ Show some love and comment , I love reading your comments (: ] 


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