Chapter Eight.

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The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nose, causing me to jump up. I yawned and stretched lazily then reached over to look at my phone. I had a text from Aj , what the hell does this trick want? I unlocked my screen and clicked on the message.

" Hey Lauren, I'm going to the mall today.. want to come? xx " 

I stared at the text for a minute. Wasn't Aj the one who hated me because Dean liked me more? What's up with the sudden change in heart? Something isn't adding up.  

I replied back and walked into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. When I was finished, I threw my hair up into a curly ponytail and grabbed my phone and keys then left the hotel room. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. I tapped my foot impatiently as the thoughts of what happened yesterday started to fill my head. I love Dean, I really do. But I'm afraid I'm going to get hurt. I've seen the way he acts towards his past girlfriends and I just feel like I'm going to end up like them. Some of you will ask the same question over and over. ' How do you love and hate someone at the same time? '  trust me I've asked myself the same.

I put on my sunglasses as the elevator door opened to reveal the lobby. I stepped out and started walking towards the entrance where April was. 

" Hey. " she perked with a smile. 

" Uh Hi. " I said with a forced smile. 

She obviously sensed it and decided to respond to it. " Lauren, I don't hate you. I don't love Dean anymore either. I'm engaged now. "  she informed then flashed the ring infront of my face.

It was beautiful, it had just the right amount of diamonds that laid around a really big one. It made me think of my future and who I would get married to. 

" O-oh , that's great April. " I said then half smiled. 

She thanked me then we headed out to her SUV.


We were in DEB looking at the tank tops and jewelry , we had bought a shit load of things already and god knows when we'll ever be done. 

" So what is up with you and Dean? " April asked out of nowhere.

I froze. " W-what about him? " I asked trying to sound strong.

" Something is obviously going on between you guys. Mind telling me? " she asked. 

I shook my head continuously. " I don't know what you're talking about April. "  I stated.

She sighed. " Oh come on, we both know you guys are madly in love with each other. You guys just go about it in a wrong way. He's a lunatic, you're an asshole " I glared at her causing her to giggle. " I'd say that's a match made in heaven. Just talk to him Lauren. "  she said with a half smile.

I thought about that for a moment. She's partially right, Dean and I never talk .. we resort to physical violence. He always says that he loves me but it's hard to believe it, He probably thinks I hate him or something. Well part of me does .. I-I just don't know.

" I think I will. " I said which caused her to smile really big.

" Great! Now let's get out of here these bags are heavy! " she said and I chuckled. April is not as bad as I suspected.


I got out of the elevator and went into the hotel room to set my things down. Roman and Seth were playing 2k15 on the PlayStation , as usual. 

" Hey Douche bags , is Dean here? " I asked.

They paused the game and looked at me as if I had two heads only to be replaced with smirks. " Whyyy? " they asked in unison. 

I sighed. " Fine, I'll go find him myself. "  I said.

" He's in his room smart one. " Seth added with a smirk. 

I flipped him off and stuck my tongue out at him. " Thank you. " I said.

I walked to Dean's room door and took a deep breath before knocking. I admit , I'm a bad ass. But at the moment I was feeling like a teenager all over again. 

A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a shirtless Dean. His sweatpants were just below this v-line and sweat was all over his body. His fluffy hair covered his icy blue eyes that I loved so much. I tried not to grow weak in the knees right then and there. 

" Laur? " he said which made me break out of my daydream. 

" Uh Hey, can we talk? " I asked. 

He looked into the room and then back at me. " U-uh .. Now is not a good time. Maybe later? " 

" Babe who is that? " said a voice behind him. 

She came to the door and looked at me, then I realized it was Renee. 

I couldn't believe it? Renee?! My face grew angry and my temper took over. " You know what?! Fuck you Dean. Have a nice night guys. " I yelled then stormed out of the hotel room with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Could this day get any worse? 


[ I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did! Lolol ♥ Sorry for the lack in updates , the biggest bitch in America is coming .. her name is School. ugh. lol  This is dedicated to Moxleygirl53 because she's so dedicated to voting for my story .. she's perfect okay? :) ♥  Show some love and vote! ]


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