Chapter Nine.

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" Laur .. wait. " Dean echoed behind me which only made me walk even faster.

" C'mon Laur, it's not even like that. " He stated, his voice inching closer and closer to yelling.

I really don't need an explanation for why Renee was in his room. We're not together, therefore he is not entitled to care.

" Laur, don't you dare walk out of that fucking door. " Dean spat lowly.

I turned around and chuckled bitterly. " Oh really? I matter to you now? Oh look guys .. Lauren actually exists! " I spat obnoxiously.

" What else was I supposed to do? Wait until you came around? Just face it Laur, you don't love me the way I love you. Simple. " He said then ran his fingers through his hair.

That wasn't true at all, I loved him just as much as he did me. If not even more.. he just can't know that. I cannot let him in yet , i'm too afraid.

" You know what? " I paused then shook my head furiously. " I don't have to listen to this. " I finished then made my way to the door.

Suddenly, I felt hands grab a hold of my waist to pull me back.

" Dean.. " I pleaded lowly so my voice wouldn't crack. " Please .. let go of me. " I added shakily.

He spun me around and pressed his lips onto my lips lustfully yet ever so gently. The tears came rolling down my cheeks once our lips made contact with eachother. Our lips fit perfectly together, as if it were a missing piece to a puzzle.

He pulled away from the kiss and pressed his forehead against mine.

" Give me a chance, Laur. " he said softly as he wiped the warm tears off of my cheek.

I thought for a second. I did love Dean, I really did. Maybe I just need to face my fears and take a leap of faith. He meant so much to me, and I've only known him for a few months. Love does stupid shit to you sometimes.

A small smile pulled at my lips. " Sure, i'd love to Dean. " I said, surprised at my response.

His eyes widened and he gave me a toothy grin, causing those gorgeous dimples to appear.

He hoisted me up into the air and spun me around, ending it with a peck on the lips. " I'd never hurt you Laur, I promise. " He said then kissed my nose.

That caused me to giggle and smile. I felt as if I was ontop of the world right now. I don't think I've ever been this happy, ever.

" Does this mean I can fuck you mercilessly now? " He asked with that stupid cheeky smirk plastered on his face.

I chuckled. " Don't push it Ambrose. " I stated then slapped his arm.

" Aw c'mon. " he whined.

" I'll think about it. " I said. " Right now we have to get to the arena in a few. " I added then began walking back to the hotel room.

" I like you Laur, like a lot. It's insane sometimes because I'd honestly step infront of a train for you. " Dean said then scratched the back of his neck.

I couldn't help but blush. This is the sweet sensitive side I've never seen to Dean before, and I honestly love it.

" I like you too Dean. " I admitted.

He smiled and gave be the tightest embrace ever.

Nothing could ruin my happiness right now.

" Lauren? " said a voice.

I turned around a froze at who I saw. " Ryan? "




CLIFFHANGERS FTW ! Lolol well it's not great, but it's an update :) Thanks for voting and caring so much about this story.. means a whole bunch <3 Anywhoreee , until next time lovelies ❤️

- RRxo

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