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I woke up and look around. This is not my room. I look under the blanket. CRAP I'M NAKED. And then i look next to me. There was unfamiliar face.

My personality switched last night. It was Amber, i hate when this happens.

I get up fast and dress up. I was just about to leave when that person started talking "are you sneaking out?"

Here we go again. "Let's forget about last night i wasn't myself. Bye" i run out.

I was having a walk od shame. How to stop this? How she never gets tired cause i do..

I came home tired and hungry. When i walked in i saw naked woman in my apartment

"Who are you and why are you naked?" I asked and she smile. Why is she smiling?

"HAIIII" oh god she is loud " I'M CANDY" she run towards me
"Candy? Seriously? That's your name?" I make wtf face
"Yess!!!" Will she stop yelling?
"What were you parents thinking when they gave you name? Did they even think?" I rolled my eyes
"Why are you in my apartment?" I asked again
"She is with me" my brother join us
"Ah Namjoon, why are you here? Do you need money again?" He rolled his eyes

"Don't be rude" candy said
"Chocolate stop talking" i said
"It's candy not chocolate" she said
"Both are food"
"Yah" namjoon yelled
"He was away trying to found you a cure" candy said
"Why? Am i poisoned?"
"You are sick" she said
"Thank you, your name is food name" i rolled my eyes

"She knows about my personalitis?" I gave namjoon a death stare
"She is fine don't worry"
"Why you didn't tell me that you are away because of me? Now i feel awful" i always insult him cause he is not helping me at all...

"Cause i never find anything they all said the same thing" he said.
Silence. Is he gonna tell me?
"Oh right" he said "they said that only you can do that"
"WOW, That really helps a lot"

"Anyways, how do you have that good body?" I asked Candy

"I work out, i go to the gym"
"Interesting, last time i was in the gym was.. never.." yeah i don't work out lol
"Well you should"
Is she calling me fat?
"You don't have bad body, you should come with me tomorrow after school"
"After what? OH GOD SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW" I totally forgot. S*it.

"WAIT! Don't tell me we are going into same school" she nodded "we do" why she looks so happy?
"Brother, are you into junger womens now?"
He have 22 years and she 18, is he stupid? Then again i look at her body. No he is NOT.

In that moment dog walked into the room. "Why is dog in my apartment, if he poops somewhere or pee i will poop you" i look at namjoon
Candy laugh. "Don't worry" she said

"Does he have a name?" I asked
"Yes" she said
"What is it?"
"His name is dog" i look at namjoon "dog" i repeat "i don't know should i laugh or cry"

"Our parents are coming tomorrow, they will be 2 days here" namjoon said
"Oh they remembered that they have children, should we buy them a gift?" I said sarcastically.

They are always away i hardly see them. Maybe 1 time in the month. I hate that. They left me with my problems alone. Who do that?

"Be nice when they come" he said
"Sure" i said and go into my room.
I should take a bath.

I lie down into the bathtub and fell a sleep.
Knocking woke me up "Are you alive?" Namjoon asked "no" i said "great"

I get out and look at my wardrobe. Sure is war here, i'm really messy person. Ah i maybe should buy some new clothes.
"Why are you looking at your moms clothes?" Candy said. I jumped "god you scared me. Why are you in my room? And this is my clothes"
" are you sure?" She asked. Bish go away.
"Leave i have to change" i said
"But we are both-" i cut her "Leave!" I rise my tone and she just left.

She is righ tho. I need new clothes. I dress up and leave the house.


I came home after a looooong shooping day. I was so tired. I smell food. I walk into the kitchen and saw them cooking "well thank god nothing is in fire" i said "eat" namjoon said and give me a plate with food "it's not gonna kill me right?"
He rolled his eyes "just eat" and i did that.

It's actully good. I'm impressed. After that i go to sleep i was soooo tired.


So, this is it. I hope you like it, vote if you do. Leave some comments i really wanna know what you guys think and stuff lol.
Btw pm me if you ever wanna talk i'm bored.
Lyyy all💜💜

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