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While they were walking away Jungkook asked me "were you in danger? Is this happening all the time?" i was about to answer but Jimin answered instead "She wasn't in danger she is danger, don't mess with her too much" well now i'm angry. I felt dizzy again. I can't stand on my feet, i fell down "Rose" i heard Jungkook calling me but Rose is fighting to come out. Is it because of Jimin? 

-Rose came back, eyes changed in blue color again-

Jimin run towards me "Are you okay?" he asked "Why you worry?" Jungkook said "Because..." he stopped "I'm fine" i said "Let's just go" i get up "Aish" i heard Jimin "What's your problem?!" i'm annoyed af now "Why are you always acting like this around me?" i had to ask "Don't tell me you don't remember!" he yelled "IF I DO I WOULD NOT ASK YOU" I rise my voice 

"You want to say that you don't remember our childhood?" he said and i nodded "What happened that much awful that nobody wants to tell me?" i started to cry "I'm having same dream again and again" jimin come closer but jungkook stopped him 

"It's fine Jungkook, we are old friends, he would never do something awful to me, even tho he act like an ass" i said "You know each other how much long?" tae asked "since we were born" i said "we lived in the same house.." 

"Rose" jimin said "can we talk please? In private" i nodded and we left.

We were behind school where nobody was around. "So you don't remember anything?" he asked and i shake my head. I'm thinking about telling him about my did, but then i remembered what happen when i told someone. 

I thought she was my bf but she said she doesn't want to be friends with monsters. Since that day i never EVER tell anybody about it. But this is Jimin.. he wouldn't act like that, right?

"Rose?" i space out "Oh right, will you tell me what happened?" i asked and he shake his head "it's better if you don't know" he said and smile. I didn't see him smile in a long time. Is he happy?

"Listen.." i decide to tell him "I have something to tell you" he look at me seriously "i have did" i said "after what happen i got that, but i can't remember what happened" he was just staring at me "are you gonna say i'm monster too?" i was about to walk away when he catch my arm and pulled me into hug "you are not monster Rose, you are amazing" he said "You were handling that all alone while i was angry at you for no reason and you were in so much pain i hate myself" i hugged him back "don't, you didn't know" i said 

"YEEE, HAPPY ENDING" Tae screamed and we push each other "did you guys hear everything?" i asked while i was looking at all of them "yes" jin said and i look down "don't worry we don't judge, we will be here for you don't worry, now you have us" tae said with smile "every jimin's friend is our friend" hobi said

After nice talk we go back to the school. I saw jungkook. Girls was all over him. Well i don't blame them he look good. Jimin go closer to jungkook

"sorry about earlier" jimin said "it's fine, as long as she is okay" jungkook said and look at me and i nodded "i hope we can be friends" jimin added "sure" jungkook answered. 


After school i go home.

My parents are back. Great.

I get inside and there was my mother with some other women. What's going on?

"Mom?" she turned around "oh hey honey" honey.. she never say that "this is So-won, she is my friend and her son is going to live with you" she said  "Say what?" has she gone mad? "I'm so sorry, but i travel a lot so he always change school it's hard on him, and your mother said he can stay here until he graduate" oh dear god "he should be here any minute" 

In that moment i heard the doors and i turn around.



We were staring at each other "oh you two know each other" that woman said " we are in the same class" jungkook said "then even better you can help each other" my mom said.

"I'm going into my room" i said and leave. 

Oh God help me. He is so handsome. What if that Amber witch do something. I'm i worried? Why am i worried? f*ck this i need sleep.

I feel a sleep very fast. 

I had that same dream again. I woke up all sweaty, so i took a shower. 

I'm hungry i should eat. I walk out from my room and bump into jungkook. He was half naked. His towel fell down

"Oh God" i said and he fast put it back "I'm so sorry" he said and run away. 



I think about that again. NO! STOP THINKING. GO AWAY DIRTY THOUGHTS.


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