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-That day when Rose was in the mall-

Namjoon's pov

When Rose leave i go to talk with Candy. Wait.. Candy... that's not her real name i have to talk to her right now!

"Yah!" I enter in the room "why did you lied? This is not how we agreed to do things" i said

"Don't worry i have plan" she answered "why didn't you tell me?" I asked "i thought you would not agree"

"Well you are not wrong" i rolled my eyes "anyway, how are you gonna go to school? You are much older"

"I have my ways don't worry, i will be around her all the time and try to help her in any way posible"

I nodded. "Okay, just be careful she can go really crazy sometimes"
She nodded "let's make dinner" she said.


Rose's pov

I heard heels noice. I was so scared. Is she gonna hit me again? Is she gonna kill me this time?

"Yah, why are you breathing like that" she said angry. I started to cry "are you crying again? Aish you little.." she came closer to me.

-AAAA- I screamed and woke up.

That dream again. Aish. It's always the same. I never got to see her face.
When i first find out that i have did i read how people got it.
I always think that somehow that dream have to do something with my past.

I asked parents what happen when i was young but they never tell me. I only know i was hella scared.

"Rose? Are you ok?" Those two run into my room "we heard screaming" namjoon said "are you having that dream again?" He asked and i nodded "when i close my eyes that's all i can see" i said.

Yeah i hardly sleep because of dream. I try to stay up all the time but... yeah you can't stay up all the time. It's really hard.

"Is there any way that i can help you?" Candy asked and i laugh "funny, this is first time that someone asked me that" i said " and she is total stranger" i look at namjoon

"Anyway i have to get ready" i look at clock "i have 2 hours until school starts, i guees i will take a shower" i get up and take a shower.

After that i go to drink coffee and go to take my uniform on. Then i go to eat.

After all that i look in the mirror.
Wow i look awful. I feel like i have to ask god am i even human?

I put my hair into big ponytail and put some makeup. Well i look better now.
I look at clock.

"WHAT? I'M LATE! HOW AM I LATE?" I took my stuff and run out. I was just about to leave the house when i feelt dizzy. Oh no not now. I always feel dizzy when my personality change.

I fell down. My eye color changed from blue to green.

"Aish my head" i look around and at my clothes "oh hell no!" I get back and change clothes. I dress up more manly "i'm not gonna look like girl"

So.. it was Lucian.

He was wearing black ripped pants and white shirt. "Well this looks better" he left the house and took his red lamborghini.

Yes him and Amer have his own car. And i have mine. Lucky me i was rich... i mean i still am.

He drove himself to the school. He was veeeeryyyyy late.

He get into class. "Sorry i was late i don't know why i even came" he said. Teacher rolled his eyes.

"I can see you never change" he said "why are you not wearing your uniform?"

"It's too girly" i look around i saw two new faces. "Who are them?" I pointed fingers at two new boys "they are new students. They are brothers." He said. The one with brown hair was staring at me

"What are you lookin' at?" I asked and he just put his head down. Is he getting all red?

"Dude" i said "you are more red then yours brother hair" class started to laugh. Now he is even more embarrassed.

"Be nice Rose" teacher said "The red one is Jungkook and the brown one is Hobi"

"I don't care" i said and sit behinde red one and put my legs on the table

"YAH!" Teacher yelled "put your legs down or leave" he said and i get up "okay, bye" i said and leave.

"DETENTION!" I heard him yelling behinde me "if i have time i will come!" i yelled back

"Oh no! You will come or" i cut him "or what?" I smirked and left to the store.

I could eat something. I buy some chocolate. Yep i needed this.

I left the store and bump into someone and my chocolate fell from my hand.

"Yah! Watch it! You just killed chocolate for no reason" i said and looked up. It was Jungkook.

"I'm sorry" he said "are you ok?"
"No, i don't have my chocolate anymore" i rolled my eyes "i will buy you a new one" he said "i will buy it myself" i said and turned around but he took my arm "i will buy it it was my mistake"

What's with this guy. "Okay whatever i will wait here" i said and he left.

Group of boys come to me "Yah Rose" i saw Jimin. He is player. He is trying to get Rose into the bed from the first day. Idiot. "Leave me alone" i said "you didn't miss me?" He asked "no" i said.

I look at others boys. There was Taehyung who is actually nice one. He helped Rose once when Jimin was all over her.

Then there was Suga who doesn't care about anything. He always listen to music and making music. He is really good rapper.

And always there is one who only loves himself. It was Jin. He is always looking in the mirror and telling dady jokes.

Everyone is fine except that Jimin guy. Idk what is he doing with his life.

"Ooh, don't be rude" he smirked.

"Here is your chocolate" jungkook said and give me chocolate "did you already go all over on new student?"
Jungkook gave him a death stare.

"Are you friend with this idiot?" He asked me and i laugh "well he is idiot" i said "yah" he tried to hit jungkook but bell stoped him

"We will see each other again" he said and left.

Well that happend.


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