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It was dark.  I'm alone in my pain and agony. Sad and lonely, no one to care, the gales tore me apart. Driving rain shattered my soul, and weary was my heart. I've never felt so alone. The tears stream down my face.  

I sit here in the darkness. My skin once was warm and soft, now ice cold to the touch. All this pain I carry eating me alive, all this rage I feel the blackness that drowns me, suffocates, suffocates drowning me in my deep depths of dark despair, breaking my spirit, leaving me shattered. I'm choking in this poison that is destroying me, consuming every breath I have left.

Consumed with pain i'm completely broken. You know you're broken when laughter sounds like tears. And you have so many dark fears. When your smile doesn't reach your eyes. And Your world is surrounded by lies. When you have no need for life. You stare and wonder at your knife.You know you're broken when you can't do anything right. In your soul, there's no longer light. When you can't be happy anymore. You have a darkness in your core. When your soul is empty inside, and it's getting harder to hide, and you think you might just... Commit suicide.

That's how i felt all this years.


I opened my eyes. I was alone in dark room. "Hello?" but nobody answered. I tried to get up but i felt pain in my head. I fell down.

Where am i?

Somebody opened the doors.

"Oh you are awake" middle aged woman walked in. She was pretty, but i think i saw her somewhere before.

"Who are you?" i asked "I'm your mother" she said. What is she talking about? She is not my mother. "But you are not.." she screamed "YES I AM" She came closer to me and hit me "I AM YOUR MOTHER! CALL ME MOTHER!" 

That hurts. I started to cry. "You little brat, you are only 9 years old and you cry? Why you cry?" she said with mad face "y-you hit me" i said while i was crying "i did not! DON'T LIE TO ME!" She screamed again "WHY ARE YOU LYING?" 

I was so scared. "HELP!" I yelled but she hit me again "WHY ARE YOU CALLING HELP? HUH?" She hit me again "I'M YOUR MOTHER!" She yelled and left.

What's going on? I'm so scared. I cry, cry and cry, probably hours. 

Days pass by so fast. She keep hitting me and telling me she is my mother. She only give me food once and it was only bread. I was hungry and thirsty whole time.

I heard heels noice. I was so scared. Is she gonna hit me again? Is she gonna kill me this time?

"Yah, why are you breathing like that" she said angry. I started to cry "are you crying again? Aish you little.." she came closer to me.

She was about to hit me but someone screamed behind her "DON'T HIT HER, HIT ME INSTEAD!" she stopped and looked at little guy.

"Jimin!" i said "i will hit you both!" she screamed "don't cry" she looked at me and left.

"Jimin" i started to cry "Rose!" he run towards me "are you okay?" he hugged me "i'm so glad you are here" i said

He looked me "you are full of bruises" he said "is that blood?" he pointed his finger on my head.

"she hit me very hard and throw plate on me" i said "oh god" he hugged me again

"who is she Jimin?" i asked "she is your father worker" he said "we have to get out from here" he looked around "but i don't know how" he said

We were there few days, trying to figure it out how to escape. She keep hitting us, once she even cut me with knife.

She came into the room and put chair in the middle of it. She didn't say a word she just put rope around something on the wall ceiling and hang herself.

I screamed. "Let's run" jimin said, so we did that. We run out and we tell some random woman to call police.


I opened my eyes.

I was so sweaty. This was my memories.

"Rose!" Jimin get up and come closer to me "are you okay?" he asked "i remembered, jimin, i remember everything" i said

He didn't say a word. He was just staring.

Jungkook walked into my room.

"You are awake!" he run towards me "are you okay?" he asked and i nodded.

Jimin just leave the room.

Jimin's pov

I left the room. I don't know what to tell her. I didn't want her to remember what happened.

"She is awake?" namjoon asked. He was with Candy. I nodded "she remembered" i said "she remembered everything"

Namjoon and Candy said "what?" in the same time

"Then, that means she collapsed cause her memories came back" candy said "her personality's let her remember, but why now?"

Yes we are all confused.

"Maybe cause she meet people who cares for here" namjoon said "maybe that was the key"

"they let her remember cause they know she have people who will comfort her and be there for her" candy said

"Are they gonna disappeared now?" i asked "i don't know, we will see" candy said "let's go in" namjoon said and we get inside.

Rose's pov

While jimin was out i was alone with Jungkook.

"Are you really okay?" he asked "yes" i said "were you worried for me" i smiled "no" he said "aish, you will never admit it" i rolled my eyes "just don't scared me like that again" he said and i smile.

Jimin and others came in.

"ROSE!" Tae screamed "i was so scared" he said "i want to hug you but.." i laugh "you are cute, thanks" he smile

"are you okay?" suga asked and i nodded "i'm fine"

After few hours they said i can go home.

All of them came to sleep over at my place. Well we actually agreed that they come.

Ah i don't know how to feel about all that happened. Am i really okay?

Here it is, her past. She remember it.
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