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We came home. 

As soon as i walked in i saw my father with some little girl. "Who's this? Don't tell me i have sister, Namjoon is enough" i said "yah! what's that suppose to mean" namjoon yelled from the kitchen "no, this is from your mother's friend daughter" 

"where did she get that many friends? Don't tell me she pay people to be her friends" he rolled his eyes "don't think about her so low" now i rolled my eyes. 

Yeah sure, it's not big deal to see how they are babysit some random girl and you never did this to your own daughter.

"Anyway, we are leaving tomorrow" he said "i know" ofc they are, they always left.. he get up and leave the room "what's your name?" i asked little girl "Trixie" she said with smile "that's hooker's name" i said

"what's hooker?" she asked "ask my mom" i wink 

"yah, don't say that to little girl" jungkook said "oh you are still here" i forgot he lives here..

I went up stairs.

"Yah, Rose" i turn around "hobi?" i was surprised he actually talk to me "can we talk?" he asked and i nodded. We went in his room.

"listen, i know we had a bad start but can we start over?" i said "i was really drunk and stuff" he was just staring a me "and the first day.. what i said was rude.." he was just in silence "i suck at apologies so.. unfuck you.. or whatever.." he laugh "you are hilarious" he said trough laugh 

"it's okay, i actually wanted the same" he smile, he is cute "i have something for you" he said and put his arm in pocket "is it gun?"i said "you have weird ideas" he laugh and take out.. well it looks like that thing you put a ring in "oh better be a gun" i said. 

He is not gonna propose me right? He is not that stupid?????

He open it.

"Is that a part of chocolate?"i said and he nodded "i know that you love to eat, but i only give you this much so you wouldn't get fat" i laugh "you are funny" i took it and eat it "it's good" i said 


Tomorrow we get ready and go to school. As you know we are going in the woods. Kill me pls.

Anyway, i was talking with Tae and he said that Jimin have tattoo. So ofc i run to find Jimin to see tattoo.

"Yah Chim Chim" i yelled in the hallway "don't call me like that" he looked embarrassed "but it's so cute, anyway, i heard you have tattoo" he nodded "i wanna see it"i smile "b-but.. it's on my abs" he said "so? it's not on your" i look down" you know" he turned red

"i-i can't show you now and here" he said"then let's go into bathroom" i took his hand and pull him into man's bathroom "show it" he put his head down "oh come on" i came closer to him and pull his shirt up 

"A-a" he looks so cute "omo, i didn't know you have this nice body, you gown so well" i smirked "d-don't joke around" i smile "i like your tattoo btw" i wink 

Someone entered in the bathroom "ooh why is girl in here" some random guy said "you are right, why are you here" i rise my eyebrow "i'm not girl" he said "okay, sure" i left the bathroom.

"hey Chocolate!" i yelled at Candy "you will always call me like that won't you" she said and i nodded "look, that girl is talking with your Jungkook" she said "he is not my Jungkook.."i said and look at them "oh hell no, not her!" i fast walked to them "yah, train wreck, this isn't your station" i said and push her 

"oh rose, don't be like that" she said and flip her hair "go away" i waved my hand and took jungkook's arm. I pull him with me outside.

"what was that about?"he asked when we get out "don't hang out with her, she is no good" i made excuse "and you are?" he asked "of course i am" i rolled my eyes.

Why did i react like that?


We came at our destination.

"aish, too many light" suga said "i know right" i said "you two are unbelievable" tae said "enjoy the fresh air" he breath in and out "yeah, no" suga said " let's look around" jimin suggested and we did that.

"Too many trees" i said "well, it is the woods,of course there is" jungkook said "oh no shit" i said sarcastically and tae laugh "you two are so cute" he said "no we are not"jungkook and i said in the same time "okay" tae smirked

We get back and teacher give us papers and maps.

"Here, use map so you don't get lost and on that papers you have 5 stuff you have to find" he said 

"how can this map help? I only see trees" i said "please stop" teacher said and i rolled my eyes "give the map to me" jungkook said and took it from me "don't lose it, maybe it could help us somehow" i said and we started to walk

After few minutes i fell so lost "yah Kookie" i said "K-kookie?" he looked surprised "it's easier then jungkook, so i will call you Kookie" i said and he turned red "why are you red?" i laugh "you are cute" he sure was..

"give me map, maybe it will help, i think we are lost" i said

"Oh god" he said "I lost it"

Well great.


My school just started today so i will have less time to write, i'm sorry, but i will try to write at least 3-4 times a week.
Love you all. Vote and comment thankseuu♡♡

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