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I came home with Jungkook and Hobi. 

I opened the doors and saw Namjoon, giving me a death stare. I jumped.

"Oh God you scared me" i yelled "why are you late?" he crossed his arms "cause it was already late to come earlier" i said "you are full of crap" he rolled his eyes "aish" i walked away

I need shower. 

While i was taking a shower i tried to remember my past. I'm so sick of same dream i want to know what happened, but i think that's not possible.

I left the bathroom and walk to the kitchen. "Hi Rose"candy said but i was so deep in thought's that i didn't responded.

I'm having that thought's this days, about my past, like a lot. I know i got DID cause of that part in my life that i don't remember, but why i don't remember? 

I felt dizzy again. Aish not again.

-Iris came out-

She looked around. "Are you here to kill me?" she said to candy "k-kill you?" candy asked in shook "yes, suicide is a sin, so i don't wanna die like that" Iris said "and someone killing you isn't a sin?" candy asked and Iris shake her head

"well it's different you know" she said "are you gonna help me?" she asked but candy shake her head "i'm not gonna kill you" 

"aw, that's sucks" she made a sad face "anyway i should eat something" she said and opened a fridge "ooh, pancakes" she smiled and eat them.

"why you wanna die?" candy asked her "why should i lived?" iris asked candy "because there is people who cares about you"

"do they really?"

"yes, i mean you can see it, you made so many friends and you have your brother support and mine of course"

"you are not wrong, but how can i know they really mean it"

"you can't, but give them some time"

"i'm tired of that"

"you have to let people in"

"i don't want to" 

Iris stand up and leave.


Candy's pov

"Namjoon let's have a talk" i said and we walk into my room.

"what's up?" he asked "I think i get it" i said

"She got DID cause of what happened long time ago. I was watching her all the time and i notice some stuff" 

"okay, tell me" he said

"Amber came out cause she feel embarrass about something and she is there to bring her confidence that she doesn't have" 

"well, she get embarrass a lot, even when she was a little" namjoon said "because of that she needed someone to help her about that, so she created Amber" namjoon nodded

"Lucian came out when she is in some trouble or when she overthink something. She always wanted a brother who will protect her, so she created her self one" 

Namjoon looked down "this is my fault" he said "no is not, it's because of that woman and what she did" i comfort him

"anyway, let's move on, Iris came up when she start to thing something deep, probably about that time she forgot, she wanted to die cause it would be better then being abused" i said and namjoon's eyes filled with tears 

"and there is Sabrina. She came out when she don't know what to do. She crated her cause she can't let people in, so she need someone to help her about that. Sabrina is nice and she knows how to deal with people, she needed that so she made her" 

Namjoon started to cry. I hugged him. "I'm so sorry" i said. I don't know why i'm sorry but...

"I notice something else too" i said and he rise his head "what?" he asked "Look at all first letters of her names" i show him paper "Amber, Lucian, Iris, Sabrina" i read "ALIS"  

He just stared at paper "Does that mean something?" i asked "is there anything you didn't tell me?" 

He didn't said a word. He is so pale. "Namjoon?" he is scaring me now "what is it?" i asked him again

"Alis was the woman that abused her" he said 

Oh my god. I got goosebumps. 

"Who the hell are you?!" Rose came into my room

"R-rose" namjoon and i get up

"Just who are you" she asked again

"I'm doctor" i said "My real name is Lisa" 

"you are much older.." she started to cry "why did you lie to me?!" she screamed "why????!!!"

"i'm so sorry" i said i tried to hug her but she just run away.

"Should we run after her?" namjoon asked "no, let her" i said.

Jungkook's pov

I heard Rose scream, so i leave my room

"Why did you lie to me?!" she yelled "why???!??!?" 

what's going on?

"I'm so sorry" i heard candy

Rose just run out from her room "rose?" i followed her out.

She started to run.

I run after her. "Rose!" i yelled but she just keep running 

She run and run and run.

After few minutes she stopped. I came closer to her "rose?"

She just collapsed.

"OH MY GOD ROSE!" I run towards her 

I put her on my arm. "wake up rose!" i shake her but nothing 

Some people walked next to us "please call ambulance, please!" some woman nodded and called. 

"please rose, wake up" i said.


Ah, there is it. I give some explanations in this chapter. I hope you like it, vote and comment, love you all♡♡ thanks for reading

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