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I was looking at the kitchen. "Just looking at kitchen wouldn't make any differences" i rolled my eyes at Namjoons words "why i just can't think of food and then *PUFFF* and food is in front of me" i said "i will not say anything to that" he just walk away.

Aish. He could at least make me some dinner. Ah, i will just order pizza. I was just about to call it but door bell interrupted me. I open the doors.

"Surprise" tae screamed "i hope you didn't eat cause we bring pizza!" he was smiling. He is adorable. "what are you guys doing here?" i was shocked to see them "we came to eat together" jimin said "ROSE" I hear jungkook calling me "My brother will come here too i just got a call from mom" oh god, this look bad "why is he here?" jimin said and get in the house

"YAH!" I yelled and run after him "why are you here?" he asked jungkook "why are you here" jungkook asked jimin "we are all here" he pointed a finger at guys "but you are alone" he said " i live here, and my brother will come here in any minute" jungkook said

"what's going on here" hobi entered in the house "there he is" jungkook said "oh god"hobi and i said in the same time.

I remember him! He was the guy Amber was with yesterday. "what?what is it?" tae asked "nothing" i said " let's eat" i took pizza from tae's hands and take it in the kitchen with me.

Well great now i'm not able to look at guy. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? First i saw jungkook naked and now this guy came. And worst of all they are BROTHERS. KILL ME PLS.

"But why are you two living here?" i hear them coming. Jungkook explain the situation to them and now thing get little better "i lived with her too, good luck" jimin said "what's that suppose to mean" i make an angry face "nothing" he said and started to eat.

I was looking at them. They look so happy. Jimin didn't change at all. And those guys i know them few years but they are all the same. They didn't change. I'm the one who's changed.

Before i knew it i built a cage around my heart. But i think i finally understand why i act like that. I was afraid of ending up alone again. I thought everyone will end up leaving me. So i tried to get stronger. Strong enough to not break even if i'm alone. Strong enough to be able fight on my own. That's why i desperately keep being rude so people won't talk to me and try to make friends with me. I pushed myself into a corner, all alone... But i was wrong. All i was doing was running away. I was terrified of ending up alone again and i hid it in my rude attitude.

After what happened jimin moved away and he never spoke to me again. I was so sad. I cried all the time. And then i meet that girl. She was nice and when i tell her the truth she leave me too. My parents left too. I see them only once in month. After that my brother left. I didn't see him for 5 years. I was always alone.

But now i found out that jimin and i had misunderstanding and my brother was away trying to help me. And i have people who are nice to me even tho they know the truth. I only hope that they won't leave me alone again. I don't think i could survive that again.

"Yah! Rose" i space out "yes?" i said "you are not even listening to us" tae said and made a sad face, but he was so cute. Is it possible that someone can be this cute?

"Well.. i hear you talking.." i said " yah" jin said "you most be blinded by my beauty and that's why you can't focus" all of them laugh "yeah, it's probably it" i said sarcastically.

"Anyway" jungkook said "what's up with your attitude?You change all the time. Now you are like some dude, then you are rude and then you are nice" he notice.. "yeah she change her mood all the time" jimin said "what are you? He lawyer? I asked her" jungkook said and jimin rolled his eyes "yeah, i change all the time" i said

"anyway" suga said "let's sit outside night is beautiful" i look trough the window. It sure is.

We get out on my balcony and sit down. "Ah stars are beautiful" suga said "Jin you know what else is beautiful" jin smile "my next mixtape bro" they all laugh "yah!" jin yelled "That's good one" i said

It was cold outside "Ah i'm cold" i said and jungkook put his jacket around me. "Ah i'm cold" jin said "well f*ck jin i don't control the weather" suga said and all of them laugh again "why you don't like me" jin said and get inside the house to get his jacket on.

"What's going on here" my brother namjoon came home "why is here so many boys" he look at me "sister what are you into now" i rolled my eyes "yah! the are my friends" i said "you have friends?" he made weird face "why? I can't have friends?" i yelled "that's not what i mean" he rolled his eyes "anyway, is that jimin?" jimin nodded "long time no see, you are still short" my brother mock him again. Jimin was always short and he was chubby but now he is not but he is still small. "yah! Stop calling me small!" he always get angry "i can't hear you, how is down there" i laugh. I miss this.

"Why are you here, go away" jimin said "i will leave i have to anyway, don't try something weird with my sister, any of you" oh god.. "NAMJOON!" I yelled and he left.

"your apartment is so big, you sure are rich" jin said "can we sleep here?"

"no!" i yelled "but why i'm lazy to go home, and we can go to school together" he said and i shake my head "not in a million years" he rolled his eyes "whatever, we should go, it's late" jimin said and they left.

Well that was fun.


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